
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Embryos on Board

The transfer was a success! We now have two perfect five-day embryos on board. I am hoping and praying that at least one of them decides they like it enough to stick around. Of our six frozen embryos that had to thaw four to get our two to transfer. For some reason our clinic froze in sets of two, so when they thawed out the first two and saw one didn't make it, they had to then thaw two more. Both of those sweet embryos survived the thaw, so that left us with three live embryos. We decided we still wanted to transfer two, so the will keep an eye on the third one and if he looks okay the will re-freeze him and he will join our other two ice babies. I should know details about that sometime tomorrow.

We found out that we can test next Wednesday, which will basically be the day before I would start my period if this was a normal cycle. That way I can find out one way or another on my day off and not have to worry about work stress. That means only eight days until we know!! Between now and then I will be doing lots of resting and doing my best to show these sweet babies that this is a place worth staying.


  1. everything is crossed for you and those two little babes!!! lots of sticky baby dust your way!!!

  2. That is GREAT news, sweetie... my fingers are crossed for you and sticky dust in coming your way! xx

  3. I am so excited for you! Sending you lots of sticky baby vibes!!! You'rs PUPO!


    Fingers crossed!!

  5. Whooohoo! Congrats and enjoy! 8 days is great.

  6. OH my! I think I would be constantly obsessing for the next 8 days. I hope you're able to do something fun to get your mind off those little guys for at least a little while. Fingers, toes, everything crossed for you!!

  7. Congrats on being PUPO! Praying you get a BFP!

  8. Sounds like everything went Great! I'll be thinking about you, and hoping for a BFP:)

    *STICK* ..Sweet Babies.. *STICK*

  9. Woo-hoo! Sending strong sticky thoughts!

  10. Ahhhhhhh! Wednesday is so far away! I just keep smiling when I think about new baby Sarah and Nick. Can't wait.

    Love you, Missy
