
Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Gift

I have been struggling a lot this past week. Struggling with the negative, and struggling with the limbo of having our final two frozen embryos, but not being able to transfer them because of lack of money. My fears of the extra time making things worse for our odds of success has been killing me. And the thought of just not knowing, as months and months pass, has constantly been heavy on my heart. We found out today that we no longer have to worry. At least not about the wait or the money. My amazing Nana told me this afternoon that she wants to pay for our final FET. I am touched beyond words. Truly. Just overwhelmed with the love and support.Thank you Nana. I love you so much. I can never truly tell you how much this means to us all.

So here we go! Our final cycle. Not in six months or a year, but starting now. I have my follow-up appointment for this failed cycle on Tuesday. I will get the details and time line then for our next attempt to bring home our baby #2!


  1. that sounds great! We will be in the same cycle. That must have been so stressful...and then the money stress.

  2. Yayy for nana!!!! She so kind!! So happy you're going to be able to try again!!!

  3. WOW, that is a true gift from your Nana!

    So pleased for you, esp with the endo. That's why I did IVF2 so quickly after IVF1 - I didn't want the endo making things worse!!!

  4. That's so wonderful. It is touching to have family so kind and involved in infertility. We wouldn't have been able to do our final IVF if my parents hadn't paid for the entire thing. It was a wonderful gift that we will never forget. I'm so excited for you!

  5. Congratulations! That's amazing news :).

  6. That's amazing! So happy for you.

  7. How sweet, and how exciting for you! Sending warm sticking thoughts your way!!

  8. Such great news! What a generous gift. Hoping for the very best for you!

  9. Sarah we have been praying that you would be able to find a way to go through with the FET soon. What an answered prayer for you guys and what an amazing Nana :) This is such great news. xoxo

  10. This is Amazing News! What a wonderful Gift from your Nana:)So Happy that y'all don't have to wait!!

  11. That is so so wonderful!! A special hug for Nana from me :)

  12. My Nana did the same thing....Love this post!

  13. Nanas are the best!! I cannot tell you how happy this post makes me, as you have been on my mind a lot this past week. I have everything crossed for a successful FET this time around xx

  14. What an incredible gift, indeed. So happy to hear this news!!

  15. Congratulations. What a wonderful story to share with this baby when s/he is older.
