
Monday, March 21, 2011


Believe it or not, it's that time again! It's International Comment Leaving Week. This last month has just flown by. To bring new visitors up to speed, we did an FET on March 15th in hopes of a baby #2. I have stage four endometriosis which led to infertility. In 2008, after three failed IUI's, we did an IVF that gave us our Sweet Henry. You can see our TTC time-line here if you are interested in the details. For this FET we transferred in two perfect five day blasts and I will be going in to take a beta on Wednesday. That's only FORTY-EIGHT HOURS AWAY!

I am on the fence about everything with this cycle. I have random symptoms that were similar to our IVF, but a the same time, I am on all the same hormones. And lots of these symptoms mirror how I feel when I am about to start my period, so who knows. I literally will go from one extreme to the other during the same thought. Positive it has worked and terrified of how we will handle twins to having no doubt that it didn't work and that it never will, and trying to picture us as a forever family of three. So... I am losing my mind. But that's okay. That's what all these hormones do, right? RIGHT? Either way we know in 48 hours, and that is beyond exciting.

So anyway, welcome to Bio Girl! Stick around for awhile. I promise I am almost always nice and only crazy about 25% of the time. That's not bad for a girl who tells all the details of her life to a computer!


  1. Continuing to keep you and those two little embryos in my thoughts and prayers (48 hours is not long now!) xx

  2. Crossing all my fingers and toes for good news for you on Wednesday, Sarah!!!

  3. I am sure you are feeling absolutely certifiable about now. We got a BFN on 3/11 from our IVF #3 and I was dying for that beta to hurry up and get there. We are already on BCP's for our first FET which will hopefully take place mid-late April. Good luck! Happy ICLW!

    ICLW #123

  4. oh i hope you get a GREAT high beta!!

    #143 iclw

  5. I am thinking of you and hoping for a positive result on Wednesday! So exciting!

  6. Dang, my crazy percentage is WAY higher!

  7. Oh, I hope you get positive news on Wednesday! We had an FET transfer on 3/15, too, but my beta isn't until Friday. I'll whisper a prayer for you.

  8. hi from ICLW...hoping it's your turn again on wednesday!
