
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I know I will have a lot to say. Lots of emotions inside of me that I will want to talk about. But that will be later. For today I am just utterly heartbroken. There are no other words. Just utterly heartbroken. This hurts so much more than I expected.


  1. Sarah, I am so so so sorry :(

  2. Oh sweetheart... I have been checking back all day to hear your result and I am so sorry it is this one. You are in my thoughts xx

  3. So truly sorry. Heart is hurting for you all. xoxo

  4. Sarah, I'm so sorry!

    Big hugs to you...

  5. Oh honey....I am SO extremely sorry. This sucks! We'll all be here when you are ready to "talk."

  6. Here from ICLW. I am so sorry. Getting negatives just sucks!!!



  7. There are no words. I am so sorry, Sarah. This royally sucks. :(

    Sending massive hugs.

  8. Sarah, I have posted a comment to you before that was anonymous. I know exactly what you are going through, I'm the one who had endo so bad and have a now ten year old thru IVF. We tried for more children and it just didn't happen. Nothing anyone can say will ease your pain and honestly it will take a long time to get over it and get thru this. I can tell you if Henry is an only child it will be o.k., maybe not for you but it will be for him. I still ache for another child but I know it will not happen for us, I recently had to have a hysterectomy. My son is very well adjusted and I am doing much better than before, but it is a long road. Know that I'm praying for you and I'm so sorry that you had to endure this. If you ever need to talk I'm here.

  9. Oh God, Sarah.....I know the heartbreak well. I'm so so sorry. :(

  10. Thinking of you. I am so sorry. I am going to start IVF in the summer for baby #2, so I understand how much you wanted a different outcome.

  11. I am so sorry. ((hugs))

  12. I hate to sound like a broken record, and there really are no words that will comfort. But know that you are in my thoughts and I'll be praying for comfort for you. ((Hugs))

  13. I'm sorry, that really sucks ((hugs))

  14. Dear Sarah I am so sorry. I am so sorry.

    At the risk of pissing off the entire world, sometimes I think the negative hurts worse instead of less when you have a little one at home. It hurts so badly for you, but when you project all that love you wanted your dear Henry to share as well - it knocks you flat.

    You are in my prayers. Not just words - you are in them.

  15. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Take all the time you need to greive your precious babies. I know that words don't make it better, but know that I am keeping you in my Prayers.

    Lots of Love,

  16. Oh sweetie, I am so sorry I missed this post! I haven't been on the blogs all week, and when I realize I missed posts like this, it kills me.

    I am so sorry to hear it didn't work out. I hoped and prayed that it would. I hoped that you would be one of the lucky ones who got pregnant the first time both times.

    My heart just aches for you. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
