
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The New Plan

Well I had my appointment today, and I feel so good about it. I only teared up two times, and tears never actually rolled, so I was pretty proud of that! Doc told me how sorry he was that it hadn't worked. That for 2011 they have had a 75% success rate with FET's, but he was very sad that it couldn't be 100%. I told him I was too, and there just wasn't much more to say about the failed cycle after that.

We then moved on to our Last Chance cycle. I jumped right in and was honest about be interested in using a different protocol and wanting to be more closely monitored this time. For some reason I was worried he would be angry or roll his eyes or tell me to get off the internet, but he didn't. He was great! He seemed to think Lupron was a very good idea for me this time, since I had a hard time with the birth control last time. He wasn't sure the blood work was necessary at first, but agreed do a baseline check after my period and then also check at my ultrasound on cycle day nine. The more we talked about my history, the more he seemed to think the blood work was a good idea. He was not at all for the trigger shot, but he completely explained why and I am 100% okay with that. He really said that was for a different type of protocol all together, one that he stopped doing years ago because it's success rates were much lower.

He gave me lots of options, talking about the pros and cons of different drugs. He took his time and made sure I was 100% comfortable and on board with every step. He told me if I thought about it and wanted to switch things up later that it was perfectly okay. If felt like we were a team, and I can say without a doubt that when this cycle is done, win or loose, I will know that I have no regrets about how we did it. I asked my questions and feel like we are doing everything we can to give these embryos their chance. That's the most I can do.

So I start injections on April 15th. Good bye to the idea of a cycle without shots. This one will have one a day for two months. May 25h I start my patches, June 7th I have my ultrasound and blood work, June 14th we transfer in our sweet last chance embryos. I can't wait.


  1. I'm so glad that you had a good experience in being able to have an open discussion with your doctor. This is how all of these appointments should go!

  2. Very glad to hear your appointment went well and that the consultant was open to your concerns and willing to consider changing the protocol for you. Wishing you the best of luck with this final FET xx

  3. So glad you have so many positive thoughts going into this next cycle. Beyond excited for you.

  4. OH! So choked up. Can't wait to see how this all plays out for you!

  5. I'm so sorry I have not left a comment lately, but I promise I have been reading every single post.
    I'm so so very sorry that this cycle did not work for you, I was hoping, praying and my fingers were crossed. I got all teary when I read your post telling us.
    However, I'm glad you have a new plan and a plan that you feel comfortable and are happy with.
    Lots and lots of luck and hugs coming your way.

  6. I wish you so very much good luck! Kia kaha (be strong)

  7. I hope and pray that this next one works out. So very, very much. I am here for you and with you. Good luck girl!
