
Thursday, March 10, 2011


So as always, I was off work yesterday. I usually just have Henry on Wednesdays, but yesterday I had my niece Cici as well. At one point I was feeding Henry spaghetti for lunch and had just made my own plate when I heard Cici up from her nap. I went and grabbed her and opened some bananas for her. I was thinking it was going rather well when I looked over at Henry. Apparently during the time I was feeding Cici he had taken both marinara covered hands and rubbed his entire face with them. Then ran them through his hair. At that exact moment Cici spit out a huge mouth full of Banana all over me. I looked over at my plate with my cold untouched lunch and seriously questioned what the hell we are doing planning on having ANOTHER one of these. Like two, ALL THE TIME. When days like yesterday aren't just funny stories, they are just LIFE. Two at the grocery. Two at the mall. Double strollers, two car seats, two high chairs. TWO. Of everything.

After I got everyone cleaned up I put Cici down on a quilt in the living room and started making dinner for a family friend who recently had surgery. Usually when I am in the kitchen Henry is right under me. Wanting to be held, wanting to help. Wanting to be a part of the action. After a little bit I noticed my helper was missing. I peak into the living room and see them. Laying on the floor side by side looking at each other. Cici makes one of her patented adorable Cici Screeches and Henry repeats it back to her. She screeches again, then so does he. Then the two of them burst in to a fit of giggles. Cici rolls towards Henry, reaching for his face and he cackles with joy. Two. Two times the laughter. Two times the love. Two best friends who will always have each other. That is exactly why we are doing this. Sometimes one plus one adds up to something much better than two.


  1. What a lovely post - I love the image of the two of them playing together. So much fun!

  2. LOVE! Brought tears to my eyes!!

  3. I know exactly what you mean.

    There is nothing more to say. Just smile and dream.

  4. Loved this post, totally made me smile. I have a sneaking hunch you will do just great with two little babies at your house :)

  5. Hi, Sarah! Im coming by from the cyclesista website. Wanted to wish you the best with your FET. I am waiting to start my IVF cycle in a few make my son a big brother too. :)

  6. hi sarah, i'm also here from cyclesista - hoping for a fresh retrieval and transfer this week for baby #2. just wanted to say hi and good luck with your FET this week. good luck too with the speech for your little guy. my noah who's almost 2 1/2 has been in speech since last summer, and it has made a world of difference!! i also work for the early intervention program in IL as a service coordinator, so i can sing the praises of EI, my son's experience aside. best of luck with everything!!
