
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Birthday Bash

Well, we had Nick's birthday party last night and, you all, it was so great. So so great. It reminded me why I love having parties. We had amazing weather, the perfect number of people, great food and drinks. Everyone laughed and talked and drank and played games. It was just awesome. I have been smiling about how much I enjoyed it all day. The photo montage was a HUGE hit! I really am proud of it. Do you wanna see it? Now that it had it's big reveal at the party I can share it with you all. It's two and a half songs long and eight minutes, but I think that's pretty good considering Henry had an entire song for his first year alone! I cut it down to a song a decade! Anyway, here it is:

Nick's 30th Birthday Montage from Sarah on Vimeo.

(songs: Carolina in my Mind~James Taylor, I've Got a Name ~ Jim Croce, Simple as it Should Be ~ Tristan Prettyman)

Nick made this trivia game for the party that had sound clips from different 80's TV shows, movies and video games. We borrowed the Academic Team's buzzer system from my sister's school, so we had actual Jeopardy style buzzers to use. It was ridiculously fun you guys. Like the funnest party game in the history of ever. Wanna see a couple pictures from the party? Okay, FINE. You talked me into it.
Nick's 30th Birthday
Here's the birthday cake. Which... yeah. I asked them to put balloons on it. BALLOONS. And then I got there to pick it up and they showed it to me and SERIOUSLY all I could see were sperm. Like, is that how NORMAL people draw balloons? I was thinking more a balloon bouquet, but whatever. Sperm shaped balloons are fine.
Nick's 30th Birthday
Here's the food table. Pretty cool Fruit arrangement, right? Thanks Boo! What's that? You want to know about the picture hanging over our dining room table? Yes, that is a Final Fantasy poster. No, it's not just there for the party. (sigh)
Nick's 30th Birthday
Nick with two of his best friends, one of whom came in from Pittsburgh. Very cool.
Nick's 30th Birthday
And the wives of those three boys
Nick's 30th Birthday
My sister, Boo, with Nick's other best friend, Andy. Andy made us Pixie Stick Martini's all night. It was extremely awesome of him.
Nick's 30th Birthday
Nick's brother and his girlfriend Nicole came in for the party too!
Nick's 30th Birthday
Nick with Candice and Chris, just hanging out
Nick's 30th Birthday
Missy and her roomie, Becky
Nick's 30th Birthday
And last, the birthday boy and his wife! Aww.

Anyway, thanks for reading all the way to the end. You are seriously dedicated! Can I steal one more second of your time and have you vote for Bio Girl for Most Inspirational Family? here is a link and you just click vote! Seriously, just one more second and you are done. I will stop talking to give you time. Thanks!!


  1. You should enter the cake picture to cake wrecks.

  2. looks like you guys had a great party!

  3. A) I'm sad I had to miss Nick's party.

    B) When I typed that first point all I could think of was Forrest Gump, "Sorry I ruined your Black Panther partay..."

    C) I love the montage and I'm glad the trivia was a hit.

    D) I'd like to point out that I DID make the photo montage. I would be the really classy devil in the background with the red tips on her blonde hair.

    E) Do you remember how long that took for me to get that OUT of my hair? *Sigh...

    F) Longest comment ever FTW!

  4. I loved the montage. I watched the whole thing. I bet some of those pictures embarrassed the poor guy. lol! So cute though. You did a good job.

    Glad the birthday went off so well. :)
