
Friday, April 1, 2011

Circle of Mom's Top 25 Most Inspiring Families

I am completely amazed to tell you that I have been nominated for Circle of Mom's 25 Most Inspiring Families! Truly, thank you to whomever nominated this little blog from such an amazing list. It made my day. But you know what would really make my entire year? To actually BE on the final list! All blogs that are nominated will collect votes over the next two weeks, and the 25 blogs with the most votes will make the cut. I would love it if you would take a second and vote for me. Seriously, it just takes a second. No need to sign up for anything, just click this here LINK and click vote! That's all it takes! And you can vote every single day between now and April 14th! (don't worry. I will remind you) (I bet you can't wait for that day to pass) (Do you think first time readers are impressed with all of the parenthesis?)

You can see the full list of blogs on the list HERE. Right now I am in THIRD PLACE with 5 votes. And okay, two of them came from me. But THREE came from other people! And yes, this just started last night, and I know that lots of bloggers haven't really gotten to posting about it yet, but we could be the first out of the gates, right readers? So please vote. It would mean so much to me to make this list. I have added a button to the side bar over there on the top right that you can click to and vote everyday! Thanks!!

UPDATE: I am in FIRST with 29 votes! I don't expect it to last, there are some amazing blogs on this list, but for now it sure is fun to be in first place!! Please keep voting and I might make the final list!


  1. Congrats! I will vote for you :-)

  2. I voted for from Miami in my hotel! Isn't technology great! Remind us and I'll vote every day. Vicki is with me and she voted too. I didn't even know she read your blog!
