
Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Picture Explosion

Last night, at 1am after I finished all the stuff for my class (apparently I have not outgrown my procrastination tendencies from my undergrad years), I decided to quickly load the pictures from Easter onto Flickr so I could post them today. I knew it would only take a second because I knew I hadn't taken many pictures. As I carefully selected only the best to transfer from the memory card I realized I maybe DID take a few pictures. Like 200. And I had 50 that were good enough for flickr. It's just that there are basically none of any of the adults in attendance. Right. Soooo...sorry to my extended family who all came together for an amazing Easter celebration! I loved it! It was perfect! Next year I will take pictures of you. I promise (fingers crossed in case I forget).

So, without further ado, lets begin the great Easter Picture Explosion of 2011! (focusing mainly on the two children in attendance)
Easter 2011
First, before you click away overwhelmed with all the pictures, Here is the annual Family pic at the farm!
Easter 2011
And there is this one too... which I am moving to the front because it is too cute to miss. Adorable child!
Easter 2011
Still here? Okay, we will now start at the beginning of the day. Someone loved his Easter Basket.
Easter 2011
Self portrait with Mama after basket opening was complete. I am oddly in love with this picture...
Easter 2011
We went to church, which was wonderful. Actually we went on Saturday night to make Sunday a little more relaxed, but I am moving it in time to after the basket opening. See how I can manipulate you with pictures?
Easter 2011
Then we headed to my parents farm for the big annual Easter Gathering. Henry got to see his log cabin his Nanny and Papaw got him. He LOVED it!
Easter 2011
there was some tossing of children. Always enjoyable (as long as you catch them. I can imagine if they weren't caught it wouldn't be nearly as fun...)
Easter 2011
Someone got to swing, which is always a hit
Easter 2011
Someone else got to swing, and she loved every second of it!
Easter 2011
Easter 2011
Walking with his Papaw. (love this one)
Easter 2011
There were three egg hunts, one for the 0-9 year old group, one for the 10-40 group, and one for the 41-100 group. You all, it was awesome. AWESOME. Everyone should always get to egg hunt!
Easter 2011
Cici's first hunt
Easter 2011
Their egg hunt was a huge success!
Easter 2011
The starting line for the 41-100 Egg Hunt! See, I got some adults in a picture! There are my parents and grandparents, my father in law, my sister in law, my sisters inlaws too... I got (almost) everyone!! SUCCESS!! (*internal shame for this being the only picture with everyone in it...*)
Easter 2011
My cousin helping my Mamaw hunt. I just really like this picture.
Easter 2011
Finally (FINALLY) we opened some Easter Baskets from Nanny and Papaw. Missy really liked her ears!
Easter 2011
Henry and Cici weren't as sure about them, but I think they are awesome!
Easter 2011
Easter 2011
Easter 2011
And we're out!


  1. I'm sorry... how did you not mention that your child is wearing the most awesome Batman outfit one has ever laid eyes on? Really? You left that out?

  2. Such adorable pictures Sarah! Glad you had a nice Easter!

  3. That looks like one fantastic Easter celebration! As always, your little man is simply adorable. :)

  4. Stopping in from ICLW - he is such a handsome little man. I agree that there should be an egg hunt for all ages ;-)

  5. You are such an adorable family!!! Your little boy looks like so much fun. :)

    Happy ICLW!

  6. You guys are always so good at getting pictures! Love that you share them with us :) Henry is so handsome! And I love your yellow dress--can I borrow it? :)

  7. You have a beautiful family! Congratulations on your miracle boy! And good luck on #2!

    Happy ICLW :)

  8. Such adorable pictures and family you have there. I love the matching outfits for the entire family.
