
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

We took Henry and Cici to meet the Easter Bunny this week. I was totally prepared for some hilariously awful pictures.
Easter Bunny 2011
Amazingly, he wasn't terrified. I would even venture to say he LIKED the Easter Bunny... go figure.
Easter Bunny 2011
And he liked the live bunnies too...just not enough to sit by them for more than three seconds
Easter Bunny 2011
"Okay FINE, I will smile for you ONE TIME. You better be quick with that camera buddy..."Easter Bunny 2011
Cici was absolutely adorable, as always. (LOVE)
Easter Bunny 2011
Neither one looks too happy here can only take a giant fake bunny for so long before it gets creepy.

From our family to yours, Happy Easter!


  1. These are so super cute! I have totally been there on the secondary infertility bandwagon (after already dealing with it the first time through) so I get it! I do wish you the best on your FET! On my last one, I got pg with my twins and they are now 19 months old! Happy Easter and Happy ICLW! BTW, I just gave you an award!

  2. Happy Easter xx

    The photos are adorable, although Henry does look rather "disinterested" with posing by the live bunny, bless him!

  3. Absolutely adorable!!! Happy Easter!

  4. That Easter Bunny actually isn't that scary, but the wicker couch with the 80's pillows is a little strange. Henry did great and is super cute in this pics, love the sweater vest! I also wanted to let you know I nominated you for an award. Happy Easter!

    P.S Did you ever find that book?

  5. What cuties! Happy Easter! I found you in Mom Loop!

  6. I love the pictures. They are so stinking cute. Cici's face in the last one is too funny for words. "Okay, are we done yet? Cause this is lame people. Really lame."

  7. So cute!! Happy Easter and ICLW! Thanks for stopping by my blog and lending support.

  8. so cute!! I love these pictures!
