
Thursday, April 21, 2011


Well, it's International Comment Leaving Week again! I always talk about how fast this comes around, but in a strange way it feels like a world of change has happened from last ICLW to this one. Last month at this time I was still so hopeful. I was talking about our current FET and making plans for a baby at the end of 2011. It feels like a world away. Could it really have just been a month?

So here we are. At the end of another month, this time putting us just a little closer to our Last Chance FET. We have our two little frozen embryos waiting on us and we are so excited to give them their chance! You can see your full TTC timeline here, but the quick version is that I have stage four endometriosis, we were extremely lucky with our first IVF and had our amazing son in 2009. We are now going back for our ice-babies with hopes for a baby #2. Last month we had a failed FET, and I am currently on Lupron for an FET in June.

But that's just our infertility story. This blog is much more about our life. My son loves to dance and is a master of rolling his eyes, although he has no idea what it means. He carefully constructs crash scenes where he lays his truck on the ground them lays beside it looking dazed, hoping we will think he wrecked. My husband and I are addicted to the X-files and Futurama. We laugh at science jokes and at each other. We are a family of nerds, and it's more fun that I could have ever imagined. I am so very lucky. I am just hoping to get a little luckier and have the chance to bring a much wanted and already loved forth member into our home of geeks.


  1. Sending you good thoughts for June and hoping I'll have a lot more time to check in on you. Well, shoot... I know I will :-)

  2. Hi, your story sounds a little like mine, we had two frozen cycles after our successful ivf, unfortunately, neither of them worked for us, but we went ahead with another fresh cycle and now have 8 month old twins! Hang in there! Best of luck, hope to hear good news soon!

  3. Dear Sarah,

    Thanks for commenting!

    I'm sorry that the coin flips have hurt you, and wish that something I could say or do could change that.

    Know this: the more you flip a coin, the more likely it is that the results even out. So I hope it will be with your coin flips.

    Best always,

  4. Your son sounds like a real character :) Best of luck for June.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my slice of the blogosphere! Your little guy is adorable and I wish you the best with your upcoming cycle. I'm looking forward to one day moving on to #2!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my slice of the blogosphere! Your little guy is adorable and I wish you the best with your upcoming cycle. I'm looking forward to one day moving on to #2!

  7. Oh, how I wish I was 10 years younger - I wish you the best of luck in conceiving another little child to add to your family. Your sweet little boy wlll make an awesome big brother!


  8. Oh, how I wish I was 10 years younger - I wish you the best of luck in conceiving another little child to add to your family. Your sweet little boy wlll make an awesome big brother!


  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You're so right, the time does fly by. Your little guy sounds like a lot of fun and I live in a family of science nerds so I can totally relate to that. I'm so hoping that your next FET is the one. We called the cycle that I got pregnant with Bean our last chance also (it was the last IUI before IVF) and our last chance turned into our baby. I hope the same happens to you!!

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog! We are just starting to seriously consider going the IVF route and I love seeing success stories like yours! Wishing you the best for your upcoming FET!

  11. Visiting from ICLW! Love your Easter pics...what little cuties! We are going to do our first and last FET in June.
