
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I was going to write a post today about how much I hate my insurance company and their stupid pharmacy. Actually, I wrote a pretty big chunk of it. And I tried to make it a little funny, but really I was just venting. A lot. Because they made me cry today with their utter stupidity. Twice.

But, I worked it out. My Lupron is on it's way. It took five phone calls today and twelve in the last week but it is finally sorted out. And as I was typing it I realized that it didn't matter. You all don't really care about the details or about their incompetence. Just trust me, it was annoying. And now it's fixed. So, instead of that rant, I will show you a couple of pictures of what had made me feel better. Showing what makes things better is always more fun than talking about why things sucked in the first place. So enjoy!

Sweet Henry at the park. Oh how I love this boy.

And the other sweet baby. Ellie coming with us to pick up Henry this weekend. Apparently she has been itching to get the seat of honor for some time now...

Now wasn't that more fun than a rant?

**Today is the next to last day of Circle of Mom's 25 Most Inspirational Families and we are in 4th! Please take a second to vote for Bio Girl. Thank you all so much!

1 comment:

  1. Oh hun, I'm so sorry you've had such issues with getting your Lupron, but glad it is all sorted now and you had Henry and Ellie to cheer you up!! You do know that we're always happy to read your rants though xx
