
Monday, April 18, 2011

Monkey See, Monkey Do

This weekend Henry moved from being a daily onesie wearing child to an under-shirt wearing child due to his new found interesting in the potty. I am positive this seems small to you all, and maybe you are all just a little surprised that in his two years he has worn a onesie nearly every day of his life. From what I can tell from the blog world, lots of people have given up on the onesie long long ago. But since you know me, and how I get attached to things, I am sure you are not surprised to learn that I wanted to document this huge change in my child's life. The loss of the onesie. So after his bath on Sunday I slid on his very first under shirt and took him to take his picture. For posterity and what not. I stood him up in the kitchen and I sat on the floor to be on his level. I lifted the camera, but then realized that if I was sitting on the floor, he was positive that was the place to be.
Hmmm.... So I stand up, hoping that he will want to copy this. But I still need to be a little lower. You know... to be on his level. So I bend my knees a little and turn my head. Because I am a head turner. I then snap this gem.
I try with all my might to hold my head straight and stand up, but at the last second my knees buckle to get the better shot.
And then it hits me! I will use this to my advantage! I put a REALLY big smile on my face. You know, to show him how it's done! I stand up straight and perfectly mirror the look I want him to have in the picture.
I am positive I didn't look a thing like this on the other side of the camera. POSITIVE.

Monkey see, Monkey do.


  1. That is just too cute! xx

  2. He is ADORABLE!

    I also love onesies (we call it bodyvests) and mine still wear them too, mainly so they don't take off their nappies!!!

  3. Well he definitely imitates well!! This sequence is so funny and adorable, thanks for sharing : )
