Well, I did the no-rain dance non-stop this week, and I did pretty good keeping the storms away. Day after day the weather channel predicted rain, and day after day it missed us. That is, right up until the day of the Rootin' Tootin' Toy Story Birthday Bash. It was raining this morning when we got up, and it didn't stop until about an hour after the party ended. Poor Nick, he had worked for days on the back yard, getting it in perfect shape for the out door party. Alas, we all poured into our tiny house and had an absolute blast! Never let someone tell you that you can't have 30 people in a tiny home. I am here to tell you, it can be done! So, lets get to some party pics, shall we?

Here is the birthday boy in all his glory. He had so much fun at the party! I thought he might be overwhelmed, but he did awesome!

Here is a picture of the cake and the party favor bags for the kids. Boo and I made everything, and I must admit I am pretty proud! I guess that is the only picture I took of any decorations or food. We had great food and adorable decorations. You are just going to have to trust me.

Oh wait, here's a sorta blurry one of the water bottles my mom made. They say "Happy Birthday" and "Henry's Rootin' Tootin' 2nd Birthday Party" with a picture of Buzz and Woody. They came out so cute!

Anyway, on to the people pictures! Here is our little family. Apparently I broke
Whitney's cardinal rule and stood closer to the camera than Nick and Henry. Therefor allowing my head to appear three times the size of theirs. Always sexy.

I was really worried about what the kids would do stuck in the house for the entire party, but they managed to have a great time playing together! Here's Wes, Evie and Cici playing with some pieces of

Here is the birthday boy with his Nanny and Papaw. I am in love with this picture.

You know how sometimes you take a million pictures and they are all junk because your child WILL NOT look at you and smile, and the ONE time he does, is the only time all day the flash doesn't go off on the camera? And then you get all photoshop happy trying to fix it because it has such POTENTIAL. And you think you have done a good job with photoshop and are really proud, but then you compare it to the coloring of all the other pictures and realize you sorta suck at it? Yeah. That.

Here is a better one of Henry with his Nana and his Aunt Candice where the flash actually did it's job.

The guys. (Henry wants me to leave him alone and let him enjoy his birthday cake in peace)

Here we are opening some presents. I am mainly just including this picture because I think it's hilarious that Henry's face is so big on the TV screen in the background.

But seriously, he got lots of awesome stuff. He is a very lucky and loved little boy.

Here's a shot of some of my girls who were able to come to love on our boy for his birthday

A good one with Ryan and Arielle

This one just makes me laugh because Cici looks SO SERIOUS. And why are Nick and Henry out of focus? they are sitting right beside Andy and Cici...it's a photographic mystery.

And here's a picture of Henry and Carter rocking the Michael Jackson Experience. Henry becomes Carter's shadow when they play this game. He loves it!
And we will end with a video of everyone singing Happy Birthday to our sweet two year old and watching him think about blowing out the candles.
( I choose to believe that my voice doesn't really sound like that. That somehow video distorts only my voice, leaving everyone else sounding perfectly normal)
It was truly a perfect party. I worried so much about the rain, but really all that mattered was that so many people were there that love our boy and helped us celebrate another year with him. Thanks everyone!