
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


On Easter Morning I came into our living room to discover that an entire town had been built. It may not be on any traditional maps, but let me introduce you to the newest US hot spot:
Welcome to Henryville. Where all your dreams come true. (population:1)
Notice the mountain, which is a popular hiking area in Henryville. Unfortunately, many people get in over their heads and need a helicopter rescue. There is also the area on the edge of town where people take their 4X4 trucks out for fun. The farmer is trying to get that area under control though...he is tried of those pesky kids throwing around all that mud...
Henryville came into a great deal of wealth by cornering the spool market. Turns out when you have ancestors who quilt, you will be able to mine spools for a lifetime and get to live the good life.
Henryville is lucky enough to contain a world class blacksmith and sheriff. No town is complete without a blacksmith in this day and age.
The most dangerous area of town is Dead Man's Drop. The speeds these maniacs drive at...There is a petition in Henryville Town Hall right now to add speed bumps, but the mayor seems to be against it, so I doubt it will pass.
The Mayor of Henryville is a happy, happy guy and an honest and just mayor. Although, I bet my bottom dollar he could be corrupted with a well placed bribe of jelly beans or maybe a lot of chocolate covered pretzels.


  1. You are such a lucky mom! Henry is so much fun!!!

  2. this is awesome

  3. Adorable mayor and clever parents! =)

  4. Love Henryville. :) Makes me want to be a kid again. I'm sure he had a lot of fun with his toys.

  5.! The pure sweetness and adorability of this is almost too much! I'm glad I chose today to get caught up, as this post just really brightened my mood. :)
