
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

National Star Wars Day

National Star Wars Day
"May the 4th Be With You"

You all may not remember, but I bought this shirt last year right around this time. I knew it would be a little big on him, but as the first child of huge Star Wars fans (for years Nick drove around with a Yoda cut-out in his back window) I knew we had to have it...
National Star Wars Day
National Star Wars Day, 2010.

As you can see, the Vader shirt is showing off how much it has been loved! I remember taking this picture a year ago today and I couldn't BELIEVE how big Henry looked. I think the exact same thing about the picture from this morning. Good lord, time really does fly.


  1. Cute! May the 4th be with you today. hee hee

  2. Oh my, I hadn't realised just how much he had grown over the year but that really makes it clear!! I think the Force may be strong with him ;)

    I love the idea of Nick driving around with a cut-out Yoda!! Tim and I plan on dressing our child in so many things for holidays and I was just thinking the other day how cute it would be to get something Star Wars because of how much Tim loves it, and I completely forgot about May 4th, but now we'll have an excuse to go all out!

  3. So cute :)) Looking forward to sharing this FET #2 for #2 with you :) Love always xoxo

  4. So cute!! We had a shirt that Michael wore forever which had Darth Vadar that said: "Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies."
