
Saturday, May 28, 2011


Oh you all, you know how I love weddings, right? I have blogged weddings once or twice. Like here, and here, and here, and here...maybe here and here too. There might be more, I am just too tired to keep looking. But you get the idea. I love weddings. So of course I MUST share with you some pictures from my good high school friend Emily's wedding last night! We had so much fun.
Emily and Brent's Wedding
Here is the beautiful bride with her dad
Emily and Brent's Wedding
trading of rings.
Emily and Brent's Wedding
Here's me and Nick, all dolled up. when Nick walked out in his suit Henry looked at him and said "WOOOOOOOOOW!" It was so stinkin adorable.
Emily and Brent's Wedding
Boo and Chris were there too!
Emily and Brent's Wedding
Here is on of my best friends Whitney and I. Now, you may be wondering why she has her hand on my belt buckle like that. It is a mystery to everyone, including her. But we got a really good laugh out of it all night. And again today. Because who holds someones dress belt buckle in a picture?? Whitney. That's who.
Emily and Brent's Wedding
Here is me and Emily! Isn't she adorable?
Emily and Brent's Wedding
Mr and Mrs
Emily and Brent's Wedding
Here is Emily's little sister, who is one of Missy's very best friends. Her and her oldest sister gave the sweetest speech ever in the history of weddings. It made me cry. I am a sucker for three sisters...
Emily and Brent's Wedding
Then of course there was the bouquet to be tossed
Emily and Brent's Wedding
dances to be danced
Emily and Brent's Wedding
and of course, photo booths to pose in front of with random props. That's right. We really enjoyed that part.
Emily and Brent's Wedding
REALLY enjoyed it!

PS. That's Nick with the basket on his head.
PPS. We may have been drinking. A little.


  1. What a beautiful bride! I am headed to a big wedding in 3 weeks in Chicago, can't wait!

  2. Looks like fun:) I love weddings too:)

  3. I love weddings, too. YOur friend is such a beautiful bride!
