
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Green Light

This morning I headed in to see Doc and have my lining checked for this Last Chance FET. For some reason I was kind of nervous about it. Not for any real reason in particular. I have done this a million times before, but this morning it hit me that if our beta turns out to be negative, this will be my very last time at Doc's office as a patient. It strange how it keeps hitting me again and again, Last Chance.

Turns out my lining is rock star lining. It has to be at least 6mm, and mine was 9.9. He also said it is multilayered, which is apparently the best type of lining to have. Good job me on producing a nice comfortable future home for our embryos! I will take my last lupron injection tonight, then begin progesterone tomorrow morning. The transfer in Monday morning at 8:45, and beta will be Wednesday, June 22. Two weeks from tomorrow we will know. So I guess the two week wait begins in the morning.

I did ask if he was worried that we might lose both embryos in the thaw. He said he really didn't expect that to happen. They are high quality and that would be rare to lose them both. What wasn't said, but was pretty much implied, was to be prepared to lose one of them. We thawed four last time and had two to transfer. Now we will start with two and see where we go. I am worried about it, but trying to put it out of my mind. I can't do anything about the thaw, so I will just focus on being as ready as possible for the transfer and pray that one of our original six frozen embryos really was meant to be our forever second baby.


  1. Congrats on the great lining Sarah!!! You never know...both of the embies could easily make it through thaw with no issues at all!
    I'm having my next FET on the 21st, so I know exactly how you are feeling! I'm hoping this will be IT for you!!!

  2. I will send up a prayer for you every time I hear this from the back seat, "Green means GO!" from Toddlerina.

    I hear it a lot.

  3. Yay! So hoping this round leaves you with a forever second baby. Praying everyday. xo

  4. good luck!!! i'll be thinking of you and cheering you on this 2ww!

  5. best of luck to you!! and yay for rock star lining!! =0)We have out FET on the 20th!

  6. That's fantastic!!! So exciting! Sending love, hugs and prayers! :-)

  7. Thinking of you and hoping everything goes great this cycle and that Henry gets a little bro or sis. Twins a few years apart, right?

  8. Prayers are being sent straight to you from Texas!! :-) How excitingly nervous this is for you... Can't wait to hear the news...

  9. Sending lots of love and best wishes!!!

  10. Great news on your lining! Wishing you so much luck with this cycle...

  11. I'm so happy that the time has finally rolled around for you guys to have this final chance. Well done you on the rockstar lining (isn't it great when your body finally does something well when you've spent so long bemoaning the fact that it isn't doing what it should?!) I am keeping everything crossed for you all xx

  12. HOping! Praying!! Lots of Sticky vibes over the next 2 weeks!! :)
