
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Start of Summer

Thanks for all the great comments and support on yesterdays post! Today begins our two week wait. I am excited, and at the same time nervous that it is all really here. But since I can't talk about that everyday for two weeks (or I may go crazy), lets look at some pictures!

This past weekend we decided to pack up our pool bags (yes takes three of them to get us to the pool) and head to Grandaddy's house to go swimming! that means that clearly, summer is officially here.  Here are a couple of pictures of our day in the sun.
Summer Time
First of all, we brought someone rather special with us. It was Cici's first time swimming and she loved it so much!
Summer Time
Papa, aka Uncle Nick.  The baby wrangler.
Summer Time
Cici decided she was in love with the pool! So was her Mama.
Summer Time
practice makes perfect...we are thinking he is nearly ready for the 2012 Olympic team
Summer Time
I mean, look at his form as he jumps off the wall! There is just no question the child has a natural talent.  Swim scouts, are you reading this?  He can ALMOST kick his feet and is only a little afraid of big splashes. He would rather not put his head under water though... so you are going to need to work around that. (please ignore the Mama's pasty whiteness.  The sun should fix that soon enough.)
Summer Time
Someone felt there was no need for all that swimming and exercise.  She was all about soaking up the rays.  She is a girl after my own heart.
Summer Time
Henry was a little jealous of those sun glasses...
Summer Time
But I am thinking Cici was jealous of the water gun float with Granddaddy! (yes it does look like he is about to shoot himself in the face.  Yes, that is exactly what happened)
Summer Time
I think they had a good time... we will be taking these water babies back to the pool very soon!


  1. Ah, that looks so refreshing! I'm jealous. ;-) Best of luck in your 2WW!

  2. I love the last one of them all zonked out!

  3. Looks like you guys had fun!
    I would love to have a pool :-(

  4. Oh what fun!! I honestly haven't been swimming in years... I think that will have to change soon!!

    Love the one of Cici chilling out, and Henry having fun with the water gun. A face-full of water is a must, just last night I accidentally squirted Tim in the face with the hose when trying to "cleverly" unhook it from around the corner it was stuck on!! He is threatening to buy a water gun now to get revenge (eek).

  5. Looks like so much fun! We are waiting until it gets warmer to go swimming. How is it that it's June and we are still only having low 70s days??!!! I'm ready for the heat! ;-) Glad you guys had a great time!!
