
Monday, June 13, 2011


Two beautiful embryos were transferred this morning. They both survived the thaw. We feel very blessed. I was completely shocked to hear they both made it.

I woke up around six thirty and realized it was the time they would be removing the embryos from deep freeze. I spend awhile praying for them and for the transfer, and then went back to sleep. We arrived at the clinic a couple of hours later and were told everything looked perfect. Neither embryo was fully expanded yet, but they said that was perfectly normal and all was great.

The transfer was not as easy as my last FET. It was much more like my transfer with Henry, which somehow I take comfort in. He had a hard time getting the catheter past my cervix, but once he got it in the transfer went off without a hitch. I laid there for fifteen minutes and we headed home! Simple as that. (Ha...simple)

On the way back to the house we picked up breakfast from Chic-fil-a and I am now watching a marathon of the Harry Potter movies to get ready for the last one next month. All in all I am feeling pretty good. Pretty good and pretty hopeful. All we can do now is wait.


  1. I am so glad to hear that both the embryos survived the thaw and the transfer went well. Enjoy your Harry Potter marathon xx

  2. Yay for little embryos! (I keep imagining Emily asking me if they just laid them out on the counter to thaw... It's making me laugh.)

    I'll bring your books tomorrow if you want to come get them! Have fun on your days off and think good baby thoughts! :)

  3. So happy that your transfer went well!

  4. Congrats on your transfer Sarah! I'll just be one short week behind you!!!

  5. Go babies, go! I'm pulling for you. :)

  6. Yay! Sending prayers and happy thoughts your way!

  7. what great news Sarah!! I hope you enjoy your HP marathon and those little ones settle soon! Our transfer is next Monday...I hope it goes as well as yours! cheers & happy thoughts!

  8. I'm so glad both survived the thaw and the transfer went well.

    With my last FET (which resulted in a BFP) I also had some similarities with the IVF transfer that resulted in my son, so I took comfort in that too - hope it will work out as great for you as it did for me!

    Keeping everything crossed for you and sending many sticky thoughts your way!

  9. Sending up a prayer for sticky and healthy babies!

  10. I am soooo happy both survived the thaw!! Sending sticky baby dust and lots of prayers your way:-)

  11. Congrats on the successful transfer. I'll be praying that all continues to go well. Enjoy the HP marathon.... that sounds like a fantastic idea!

  12. Good luck Sarah~ we just transferred 2 on Sunday :D keep us posted!!!

  13. Sorry your transfer was uncomfortable.

    Our transfer was also yesterday, so you & I will be waiting together. When is your first beta? Mine is June 24, a week from Friday.

  14. Welcome home little ones!

    Your first step is a massive success! Congratulations.
