
Monday, June 6, 2011

Two Weeks

It's sometimes funny to be a blogger. You spend years writing and sharing about the most basic details of your life, and then, all of a sudden, something comes up that's off limits. Although you, as readers, don't really know I have something I am choosing not to talk about, it feels strange to me. To have this big decision on the horizon that I can't TALK about with you all. That I have to be all grown up and private about until it's appropriate to share the information with everyone around me.

So...I have been keeping a secret for the last couple of months. I have been on the hunt for a new job. There are a million things I love about my current job, mainly the schedule, the lack of stress and the amazing benefits. But there are things I am just not has happy with, like the fact that I don't find it challenging. So for awhile now I have had my eye out for something I may enjoy more. I was hesitant to leave the University. I mean, people don't leave here. They just don't. Once you get your foot in the door you stay until you retire. I have also been hesitant to want to leave the security I have in my building. We work on hard money, which is huge. I am at no risk of getting fired due to the loss of grants. The location is awesome for me. I work less than two miles from my house. We have a parking lot right outside the building so I can go home and have lunch with Henry everyday. Plus I have my Wednesdays off. I have a sweet deal, no doubt about it.

So, when a new job opened in my building, it seemed too good to be true. A job across the hall, in a totally different department, but with people I have gotten to know over the last year and know I will enjoy working with. Because we are at a University, and it is a department change, I still had to go through the entire application and interview process like everyone else. There is extremely steep competition for every job here (like I was going up against PhDs), and there is never a guarantee you will get something, no matter who you know. It has been ongoing for the last couple of months, but on Friday I finally worked out the last of the details and was able to put in my two weeks here and accept the new position across the hall.

This is so huge for me. They are happy to allow me to keep my day off each week (YAY!), they are supportive of Henry and even of the FET we have coming up in a few weeks. I already know I really like these people, I know exactly what it is I will be doing and I am thrilled with it. When I first took my current job I knew I would one day want to move up within the University, but I truly never thought the opportunity would arise after only one year. So, two weeks from today I will begin a new job. A new job that has all the perks of my current job, but that I will get to enjoy day in and day out a little more. It's the best of both worlds, and I am so thankful. And really rather excited. And now you all know.


  1. congrats, Sarah, on your new job!

    Can you tell us what you were doing and now what you'll be doing? or if not on the blog, then email me :)

  2. Oh, that's great, sweetie! Being happy at your job is SO important!

  3. Yayy, congratulations on the new position! It will be interesting, learning new stuff and working on some challenging science.

  4. That is so awesome! Congrats on the move. Liking what you do is so integral to any job and your happiness in it. Sometimes that is what makes or breaks the deal, just as you have said. It's awesome you made a lateral move in the best ways, and then moved up into something better. Nice going!

  5. This is wonderful news. Congratulations, Sarah! It sounds like a great opportunity.

  6. Congratulations! That is wonderful. I'm so glad you have something that is meaningful for you but also fits so well for your family.

  7. Congratulations! It really does sound like an amazing opportunity,so glad it became real. Good luck in the new job!

  8. Congrats, that is so exciting!!!! Good luck in the new job!

  9. congrats! that is amazing, no doubt about it!

  10. Ack! So happy to hear this news! Congrats!! Good choice on their part :)
