
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend

So how was everyone's 4th? Good? Awesome! What's that? How was mine? Oh, well since you asked, I will tell you all about it! I know there are a LOT of pictures, but just remember, you ASKED me to show them to you. Don't blame me. It's what YOU ALL WANTED.

So, this past weekend was the 4th of July, which for my non-American readers, is sorta a big deal in the good old USA. So we decided to go ahead and have a party out at my father in laws house. It was so great! That was Sunday night, then Monday we went downtown to the parade. Good times were had by all. And I documented every good time with my camera.
4th of July
So I decided before the party started that nobody would really want to get in the pool, so I got ready as if this WASN'T a pool party. Spoiler alert, I was wrong. But here is the lone picture of me before I joined the masses in the water.
4th of July
How can you say no when these want to swim this bad?
4th of JulySee...people went swimming
4th of July
but some people chose to hang out by the giant fan instead. Not a bad deal
Aunt Missy loving on Sweet Cici
4th of July
The family
4th of July
My cousin and his girlfriend joined the party
4th of July
My parents came too! But alas, my mom is not in any pictures. Which is sad. Sorry mom!
Missy and George
4th of July
Someone really enjoyed her first 4th of July!
4th of July
This picture makes me laugh so hard. But the LOVE!
4th of July
Arielle hanging out with the Doodle bug
4th of July
The girls just hanging out
4th of July
Me with Candice and Nicole. We made sure to get the pool in the background so that nobody thought Nicole was actually wearing this around town...
4th of July
Our friends came in from out of town, which was so awesome!
4th of July
Grandaddy with the sweet boy
4th of July
Our soon to be newlyweds...just two more weeks!
4th of July
So as evening rolled around the boys set up a projector so we could play the Wii outside. It was awesome!
4th of July
Nick and Andy hanging out
4th of July
Watching people play some Wii Sports
4th of July
Joy on the 4th of July
4th of July
This one looks sorta Lord of the Flies like, but I love it!
4th of July
Watching the show
4th of July
Hanging out by the Smores pit
4th of July
And passed out.

BUT WAIT! We aren't done! The next day, we went to the PARADE! (I know...but some of these are worth showing too!)
4th of July
Good family picture
4th of July
Boo and Cici came along
4th of July
And so did Ryan, Arielle and Alyssa!
4th of July
Enjoying the view
4th of July
Cici is very serious about the 4th of July
4th of July
Watching the parade in action
4th of July
There were floats that looked like this!
4th of July
And somehow this couch drove down the road by itself...
4th of July
We had such a great time! (except is was a million degrees during the parade and there were WAY too many political things and just random cars in the middle. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR CORVETTE, PLEASE GIVE ME CANDY)
4th of July
But all in all, it was an absolutely perfect holiday weekend!

(are you still reading? You get a gold star!!)

Somehow, even though there are a million pictures, I somehow have missed some people. Sorry if you aren't pictured! You are still important! I swear.


  1. A) The party at the Cprek household looks enjoyable. I'm sad we didn't make it.

    B) I forgot about Steven! But when I saw Steven I immediately remembered that one guy Nick was friends wtih that I went on a date with and forced you two to go along WITH ME but then I decided I could never go on a date with again after he informed me he thought Ghostbusters was made in the NINETIES. I can't remember his name but that whole train of thought gave me a chuckle. COLLEGE WHITNEY HAD HIGH DATING STANDARDS.

    C) The parade! Everyone kept acting all judgey with me for not taking Evie and I was all, "Oh but wait, parades around here are LAAAAME. And half the time there's like 3 floats! And it's a MILLION DEGREES OUTSIDE!!!" But still... I could feel their judgment. I am now glad you confirmed my suspicions. I am not glad you were not warned of such inconveniences.

  2. Awesome pictures - looks like you had a very much deserved wonderful weekend! Thanks for sharing!
