The birthday girls. This is the only picture of Whitney, who may or may not have gotten a little intoxicated a little early in the evening. But it was a great birthday!

Me and Boo hanging out with Candice on the first of her many 29th birthdays

Me and Nick, now at a new location. I know you can't tell we are now on a different patio, but we are. And it felt important to mention. For no real reason at all. Also, I feel like I look really young here. Interesting. I need to memorize this look...

Oh right, this happened. People thought flaming Dr. Peppers were a great idea. I was the driver, so also got to be the photographer.

The Kelsey's joined is for the celebrating. Always a huge plus!

Andy giving the thumbs up to birthday celebrations

On Sunday we headed to my inlaws to celebrate Candice's birthday with the family. Here are her and Monty hanging out, getting ready to play a serious game of pictionary. We let the boys win.

Later in the day the new Zelda drew in the boys like honey draws flies. Yes my child is just wearing a diaper and a tshirt. What? We are all about the classy here in Kentucky.

And just for fun, here is a picture from yesterday. I told Henry to give Cici a hug so I could take their picture. This is what I got. Maybe we need to work on showing him to not squeeze Cici's actual face when giving her a hug...
Hope you all had a great weekend too!
Sarah! I would just like to point out that I had been there since seven and people kept buying me shots of PATRON. A) People make a big deal if you turn down shots on your birthday and... B) PATROOOOON.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I have no recollection of this picture ever being taken but I'm glad it was. Yay for birthdays! Boo for not being able to handle liquor like a 21 year old anymore!
Flaming Dr pepper shots, wow