
Friday, July 22, 2011


I can see it now. The trouble these two are going to get into together. It's funny to already see their dynamic. How Henry is a little more timid, but also always curious, always seeming to have a plan. How Cici is fearless, willing to give anything a try. A dangerous combination.

Earlier this week I was keeping them both on my day off from work. They were playing happily in the living room, so I went to check my email in our bedroom. I hear them happy and laughing, then hear Henry running down the hallway with his grocery cart. No big deal. But then I see him backing into the bedroom rather than going cart first. I have a bad feeding. What is he coming in that way? I go over to see what he is pulling and find this...
Henry and Cici
Henry says: "Mama, now don't get mad, I can TOTALLY explain!"*
Cici says: "Don't look at me that way. You only WISH you could ride in this thing. It's AWESOME!"
Henry and Cici
They make a run for it, but end up in a hallway full of closed doors. Cici says to Henry "this was your idea... you can get us out of trouble, right?"
"I don't see what the big deal is. I TOTALLY feel secure sitting on this basketball"

We are in so much trouble with these two.

*He also tried "obliviate" since he had his wand handy, but I am immune to memory spells.

**Welcome if you are here from ICLW! If you are curious about our infertility journey, you can read all the dirty details here.


  1. oh my goodness they are so stinkin cute!!!!

  2. Oh my gosh I got a good laugh outta that! Thanks!

  3. Oh they are utterly cute!! Loved the conversation!

  4. Haha, excellent! My son did a similar thing the other day when he brought his little stroller to the sitter's - when I picked him up in the evening the sitter told me that he and another 2-year old boy had been playing with it - my son in the stroller (meant for dolls!) and the other one pushing him!

  5. hahaha! so cute!!!!

    happy iclw!!!

  6. sitting on a basketball!!!!!! No part of that sounds comfy how did she even climb in it...she shoulda thrown the ball at your head to keep you from catching them!

  7. Happy ICLW! These two are so stinking cute! I love that he has a wand and tries to use spells on you. That is just to stinking cute. I agree, they are so stinking cute, they could be nothing but trouble....but well worth it.

    ICLW #114

  8. Somehow it looks like Cici talked Henry into this :) They are so cute. I love cousins!!!

  9. How did she even get in there!! Trouble is right!!

  10. I don't know why I find this so freaking hilarious, but I do. The looks on their faces are priceless!

  11. Lol. Those two are so sweet together, but you are right that it sounds like a dangerous combination! I had to laugh at their innocent! Ha!

    Here via ICLW.

  12. Adorable! And, yes, probably loads of trouble. But the kind you just can't help shaking your head at while smiling.

  13. lol!! So adorable and your comments make me giggle. Lovin Henry's wand!!

  14. They are so cute! I love that, ahhh it wasn't me look.

    ICLW #90

  15. That is just too funny! My sister once put me in her dolls pram and I loved it, until she started to walk off and leave me and even in my young child's mind I couldn't figure out how I would get out without falling out and hurting myself, so I began to cry very loudly, which gave the game away! I don't think I was quite so fearless as Cici ;)

  16. Over here from ICLW! The two of them are so cute together and will be TROUBLE together when they grow up!
