
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cici's Birthday Bash!

So Cici! Her Birthday! It Happened! Wanna see?
Cici turns one
Happy Birthday to ME!
Cici turns one
Party Decor
Cici turns one
Boo and I worked hard on the cake!
Cici turns one
Favors, pictures, baby book.... it all really did come together really great!
Cici turns one
The Family.
Cici turns one
My boys. Henry looks thrilled!
Cici turns one
As does Cici! Clearly she is so happy to be with her Aunt Sarah and Candice rather than playing with the other kids
Cici turns one
The child got a gift or two.
Cici turns one
She loved them!
Cici turns one
She had her own cake! (I love this picture)
Cici turns one
She didn't really care a thing about it. "What about all those presents? Can we get back to THAT?"
Cici turns one
"Oh this is good. Shoes. I think I might LOVE shoes!"
Cici turns one
With her Great-Mamaw
Cici turns one
With Aunt Missy and George
Cici turns one
And this was the best cousin shot we could get! These kids...they need to learn to hold still!

So that's about it. It was a great party. Truly wonderful. We love our sweet Cici so!


  1. such a cute cake!! Since you sister doesn't blog anymore I've been curious if they are still waiting for Avery. I used to read her blog all the time too.

  2. I used to read her blog to and was also wondering about Avery!
    Cici is a DOLL!! They look so happy! :)
