
Friday, August 12, 2011

My Answer

I am a faith filled person. For some reason, I have never been a fan of calling myself religious, but I am extremely faith filled. I don't talk about my faith on here much, not for any reason beyond I just don't. But at the same time it isn't a secret. It's always there.

I have prayed a lot recently. More than I normally do. Or maybe we all do that in difficult times. But I have been praying more since the failure of our last FET. I have been praying, and I feel as if I have been hearing an answer. "Be still. Listen. Trust. Let go."

The clomid question has thrown me for a loop. More of one than I expected when the prescription was handed to me. As the paper moved from my doctors hand to mine it just seemed obvious that I would be taking these pills. I mean, I was the one who brought up the lack of ovulation. Why mention it if I wasn't hoping he would do something about it? But ever since the appointment I have felt uneasy about it. Like I was doing the opposite of what I had been hearing in my prayers. I was on the move. Talking myself into things. Taking control. Holding on.

I am not going to take the clomid. And I feel very good about the decision. I feel like it is the right one for my family. I feel like it is the answer that my faith is pointing me towards. Not that I believe god will give me a baby if I don't take the medicine, that I will miraculously fall pregnant, but I believe that if I am meant to have another baby I will. That all the side effects and the questions that would come along with this simple medication, the opening of newly healed wounds and the turning my back on decisions made... it's just not the right thing for us.

I will be still. Live in the now. Be happy with what I have. I will have faith that what is suppose to happen will happen.

I know a lot of people view faith as a cop out on these types of decisions. Maybe it is, but I know that now I have made this decision, I feel much more at peace with it. By taking this chance to say no, we really are done, that we are letting go, I feel more at peace with our future. I know the Clomid most likely wouldn't have resulted in a pregnancy. But it feels nice to decide in favor of my health and mental stability, to side with Nick and keep the agreement we made rather than just blindly going after what I want, no matter the cost.

I am trying to be still. I am trying to listen. I am trying, really really trying to stay faith filled. And I believe in my heart that this is the right decision. Just as I feel that the IVF that gave us Henry was the right decision. The answer to prayers. And I feel that the two failed FET's were the right decision. As hard as they were, they brought me here. To a place where I can let go. And maybe not exactly feel happy with these answers, but to feel a growing peace with them. And that too is an answered prayer.

Thank you for your support, and thank you to those commenters who let me know that clomid increased their problems with their endometriosis. It was just one more thing to help point me in the direction I needed to go.


  1. You sound empowered. Go with it.


  2. This was a perfect timed post for ME to read. Im so inspired by your striving for "being still" -- thinking of you.

  3. Love this post! Glad you feel you have a direction! Thinking of you **hugs**

  4. Glad you are at peace with your choice. Healing and letting go is just as important as the rest of it. And yes, Clomid did cause intense pain for me with Endo. All I got out of it was excruciating periods and zero pregnancies.

  5. I'm very "faith filled" too, but don't really fit into any religion very well so often steer clear of trying to explain where I'm coming from. But I have to say that this post is really powerful in terms of trusting in the faith we have as individuals.

    I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but when I was really ill with my Endo and when we didn't know if I'd ever feel well enough to try to conceive, let alone whether it was possible, I told Tim that if and when the time came for us to try, I only wanted us to try for a year and if it didn't happen I didn't even want to look into the "why" and how we might move forwards. It shocked us both when I said this out loud for the first time, because I always wanted a family, but in my heart I knew that I was being guided to let go of what I wanted in that way. I felt so strongly that if we were meant to have kids then we would, but that I personally would not be able to cope with the uncertainty of trying for longer than that 12 month period I decided on. It was a personal thing and something I couldn't have explained to anyone, but I knew deep down that I couldn't face more than a year of uncertainty.

    You know what happened, of course. We were lucky. And I thank God for that every day. But it has been so tough on me physically and emotionally I wonder why. I cannot see right now what the reason behind the problems I've had is. But I trust that there IS a reason. And it hurts me to think that we won't ever take this route again, but I know that for us trying to conceive and facing pregnancy again would be too hard. Which means I'm right back there with the prayers to try and understand *why* we were blessed with this little one and why we're now looking at being a one-child family instead of the larger family we had hoped we might get, despite all the odds against us.

    I hope that makes sense? I just wanted to say that although I'm coming at it from a different place to where you are, I truly understand what you mean about your faith helping you to know what to do xx

  6. Thinking of you sweet friend. So glad you have some peace right now. That alone is half the nattle (for me at least).

    Thinking of you!


  7. I prayed that same prayer, and it ended in our kiddo. I think it's the most powerful prayer there is. Wishing you continued peace :)

  8. It's so funny that I came across your blog today because I have been writing about the same type of decision on my own blog this month. I took Clomid for many months (and was miserable almost every one of them)! My husband and I went to an RE and he wanted us to start Femera this month and do our 3rd IUI. I just had a strong feeling that it was not what we were supposed to be doing right now. One of the things with infertility that no one tells you is how much you will second guess yourself in all of the decisions you have to make. No one can make these decisions for you, and sometimes it is very difficult! I also have turned to faith and prayer to lead me to make my decision this month, and it gave me some peace. I will be praying for our continued peace! :)

  9. I have this cermaic plaque thing hanging in my dining room that says "Make time for the quiet moments as God whispers and the world is loud".

    It's easier said than done sometimes, especially in our world right now with all kinds of craziness going on. You have opinions and statistics and studies all being thrown at you and it's hard to know what to do. So glad you've found peace. xo

  10. praying for continued peace and the ability to be in the NOW.
