
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Festival

I love me a good fall festival.  The food, the craft booths, the food.   I just get sucked in every single time.  So on Saturday when Boo and I turned to trusty google to find something fun to do with the kids, we were immediately drawn to the idea of a local festival.  Add in that it had a free petting zoo AND a Thomas train you could ride. WIN. WIN.
Midway Fall Festival
"Mama...Do you SEE that car? Put the camera down and move along."
Midway Fall Festival
Apparently Henry thinks it's funny that I had to drag the wagon up a hill to get to the festival. I did not think it was funny.
Midway Fall Festival
but totally worth it! I mean, who wouldn't be sucked in to the adorableness that is this town and their craft booths?
Fall Festival
Turns out my mom and aunt thought this event was worth attending as well, since we ran into them there. Crazy small world.
Fall Festival
This is what a Nanny looks like who runs into her grand babies when she least expects it.
Fall Festival
True Love.
Fall Festival
Then we ALSO ran into Cici's other grandparents. Turns out EVERYONE loves fall festivals! (or at least everyone of the grandparent variety)
Midway Fall Festival
Trading babies. (yes my long sleeve shirt is now gone. And I managed to take it off in the middle of a crowded food booth. Amazing what you can pull off when you are burning alive. Mental note, September...still hot.)
Midway Fall Festival
Henry couldn't wait to see the real train engine!  Right up until we got close to it.  Then...terrified.
Midway Fall Festival
In his defence, that thing was H-U-G-E.  Who knew? (train conductors. they totally knew)
Midway Fall Festival
Next we rode the Thomas train, which was much more reasonably sized.
Midway Fall Festival
Next we moved on to the petting zoo.  "CHICKENS CICI!! CHICKENS!"
Midway Fall Festival
No fear of the wild beasts. (or tame farm animals.  Whatever)
Midway Fall Festival
We finished the day off with ice cream.  Because it just seemed right. 

All in all, a perfect fall day.


  1. oh my word! I love the pic of your mom with the kiddos. So adorable! and Midway is such a cute little town, too.

  2. I LOVE the pic of Henry clinging to you - LOVE!

  3. What a GREAT way to spend a day!

    I love the smiles that are on everyone's faces in all the pictures...pure joy!

  4. Heck, you've convinced me that I wish I had been there. Looks like everyone had fun!
