
Monday, September 19, 2011

Lost Treasure

When Henry was 24 hours old our good friend Andy came and took some pictures of us at the hospital.  It wasn't a photo shoot, it was just Andy in the room with his camera.  In the craziness that is bringing a newborn into a home, I sorta forgot about the pictures for several months.  When I asked Andy about them later, he got a sad look and told me that he had loaded them onto his hard drive, which promptly crashed.  He had tried to get the pictures off, but he couldn't recover them.

I was sad at the time, but over the last two years these lost pictures have become more and more of a heart break.  I never felt like we took enough pictures of Henry in his first couple of days.  That we were lacking any photograph that really captured him right after he was born.

This weekend Andy came over to watch the football game (which, turns out, we didn't get the correct channel for.  Always check that you actually GET the ball game before having a cook out to watch it) and he brought me an amazing gift.  He had recovered the pictures.
Henry: 24 Hours Old
Our brand new family of three
Henry: 24 Hours Old
The only picture we took without his hat because he got so cold so fast in his first few days and would just shiver not stop when we took it off. This is maybe the most important one to me, because you can actually see that tiny little head.
Henry: 24 Hours Old
Our boy
Henry: 24 Hours Old
Hello world
Henry: 24 Hours Old
A little more of him
Henry: 24 Hours Old
Proud parents
Henry: 24 Hours Old
This is still what he looks like when he sleeps. My heart.
Henry: 24 Hours Old

These pictures.  They mean more to me than I could ever say.  Andy, thank you so much for thinking to take them, and then for being able to save them for us.

In the world of pictures, when it rains it pours.  I haven't had any pictures to post over the last several weeks, and this weekend I ended up with enough for three seperate posts. So... if you like pictures, come back.  I have lots to share.


  1. Always love lost pictures!!

    Glad you got them!

  2. Oh how precious. What a beautiful gift.

  3. You know what is so funny to me? I can TOTALLY recognize him in his birth photos now.

    He is a handsome man and you are a great momma.

  4. So precious!! And yes, I agree with Roccie, I can recognize him in these birth photos.

  5. Oh Sarah!!! How special!! Yea for recovered photos!!

  6. Hooray for the recovered photos....and I love how your little man looks like his little self as a newborn. So sweet!!! =0)

  7. Sarah, these are so, so precious!

    I also wish I'd had more when mine were babies - in the shock of having 32-weekers, I just didn't think.

  8. What a wonderful gift to have those restored! such precious pictures.

  9. Oh, I can't even imagine how thrilled you were! They're precious.

  10. Ooh I have missed so much!

    These photos are glorious... we tried to remember to take photos but between being sick/taken to theatre after the birth and then having to stay in the hospital, we didn't get huge numbers of photos those first few days. But those we did get are precious and I can totally understand why you are so delighted to have these :)

    It must be so wonderful to look back now on those early days when you first got to know Henry!

    Funnily looking at these photos makes me realise just how big Oscar is in comparison to most newborns!
