
Friday, September 30, 2011


I get asked a lot why I blog.  How I make the time for it with a full time job, a toddler, classes, busy schedules with our friends and family... all that life stuff.  So, why do I do it?  Why do I make the time? This.  This right here is exactly the reason why.
The Park
Because without this blog, in a year, or two or ten, at some point down the road I may have no memory of my sweet boy and my amazing husband stealing an hour before the sun goes down at our local park on a random Friday night.
The Park
I might forget how much Henry loved the swing and the slide.  How he would yell "READY, SET...GOOOOO!" before he flew down the slide, then burst into a fit of giggles as his Papa caught him up and spun him around in the air.
The Park
 I might forget that it was cool enough for long sleeves, but not cold enough for coats. That we all three spun around on the merry-go-round until nobody could stand up. Then we all three laughed together.
The Park
Blurry pictures and a simple post will keep this day in my heart as a good day. Maybe I would have remembered without it.  Maybe. But as days and years go by, does the magic from a fall afternoon at the park hold it's importance, or does it blend into the background?

Blogging is good for my heart and my soul. But more importantly, it is good for my memory.  To remind me of my favorite moments with my sweet sweet family.  I go back now and read old posts from years ago, so thankful for them. In a few years I will look back at the posts from today with the same joy.  It's worth every second it takes to document this amazing life.


  1. Best reason to blog xoxo

  2. OK, posts like this one really make me tearful as they are just so sweet and heartfelt and make me feel so blessed to have found blogs and bloggers like you xx

  3. I love this. I need to either start a blog for our personal life, or start writing in a journal. You're right, the moments go by way too quickly.

    Your family is so beautiful, Sarah.
