
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Creme de la Creme

Every year I look forward to the Creme de la Creme. On  January first I make myself a cup of coffee and sit down at my computer to start reading. I usually only make it through maybe the first ten blogs that morning. I carefully write down my place and pick up the next day with where I left off. It may take me the month to read them all, but it is always my goal to finish each and every entry. They are beautiful and touching and funny and heartbreaking. Each one is special, and each one worth the time it takes to read.

Melissa from Stirrup Queens is once again putting this amazing list of blog posts together, and I wanted to let you know so you can be apart of it if you want.  This isn't a contest.  You don't have to hope your post makes the list.  You just submit your best infertility/loss/adoption/parenting post and it will be on the list.  Don't be shy.  We all take the time to blog, we are all proud of what we write.  Not every post is amazing, but over the course of 2011 I am sure you wrote one you are proud of.  One you would like to share.  So click on over to the list and sign up.  Read through the post on how the list works first, but know that it is simple. And it is fun.  And it is rewarding to be apart of a list that is such a labor of love for Melissa. We are all so lucky to have her in the community.  She helps to bring us together, and one way she does that is with the Creme de la Creme.  Won't you join us?


  1. All I know is that I am amazed that you read so much! Oh and I paid $4 for a half gallon of cider at the orchard :/ I had no idea that was a little steep! :)
