
Thursday, October 13, 2011

No Time

Turns out there is no time for blogging around here.
 vacation 2011
We are much too busy.
 vacation 2011
What with the...
 vacation 2011
and the...
vacation 2011
I mean, I just can't find the time.
 vacation 2011
Just. So. Busy.
 vacation 2011
Turns out it isn't as hard as I thought to take a break from the blogging world. We will see you all next week.

vacation 2011
PS. be prepared for an onslaught of pictures and videos from this vacation. The only way to handle this volume of digital footage is with a photo montage set to music. I know you all must be excited. right? right?? Anybody?


  1. Bring it on! (the video, I mean)

    Looks like such fun!! Glad you guys are enjoying vacation!
