
Monday, October 31, 2011

One Owl, Two Owl...

Halloween 2011
One Owl,
Halloween 2011
Two Owl,
  Halloween 2011
Pink Owl,
Halloween 2011
Blue Owl!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

**Turns out I was a little too proud too soon of my sewing ability. After finally getting the needle threaded (and bragging about it) my first pass managed to sew the front of Cici's costume to the back. After pulling out that stitching, I then managed to snap the needle in two on my second attempt. These costumes now contain a small amount of hand stitching and a hell of a lot of Stitch Witchery.

** If you were curious where we got the idea for these home made owl costumes, you can see the shirts here and the hats here! 


  1. I couldn't wait to see what you came up with! Thanks for making my morning!

    From the girl that emailed you last month about IVF in the 'big city'.

  2. oh my word!!! those are adorable!!!!!

  3. So glad you found the missing eye! And now that I look at that comment, it looks like something one zombie would say to another.

  4. Those are adorable! Great job! My mother is a whiz with the sewing machine but sadly, I have not inherited those skills.

  5. Oh my, this is just the cutest (I think my heart just exploded!)

    I love crafting and sewing little things, but am pretty darn useless with a sewing machine so I think the very fact you managed to make these even with a bit of "cheating" is fantastic :) Well done you!

  6. Oh my goodness the CUTE in these photos - LOVE them! What an awesome idea!
