
Monday, October 17, 2011

A Vacation Set to Music

We made it home safe and sound. Amazingly we drove straight through on Saturday, which made for a very long (16 hours) day in the car, but good lord it was worth it to sleep in our own beds and have all day yesterday to gear up for real life again. I didn't actually plan on making the photo montage yesterday, but at 9:30 at night for some reason I got this strong desire to get it done. Which...I do wish I had gotten this productive bug around 2pm instead of around the time I really wanted to be in bed, but what can you do. I hit publish right around midnight, so the last little thing from vacation is officially complete!
Song: Somewhere Over the Rainbow by  Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

I know the song is not exactly original in the way of photo montage music, but I thought it fit well.  Also, It's funny how I slave over Henry's birthday videos and how I just tossed this one together in the matter of a couple hours (including going through the 280 pictures and 10 videos we took and picking what was slideshow worthy) and it seems to look...pretty much the same.  Good to know.

Hope everyone had a great week!  I am going to try to catch up on blog reading, but my finger is sorta itching to hit the "Mark All As Read" button on my google reader, so if something important happened, please let me know! 


  1. I love it! Especially that one profile picture of Henry. Glad you all had a great time; there's nothing like those those beach vacation memories. Please don't "mark all as read" me if you want to know about our trip!

  2. Was that a helicopter/aerial view of the sculptures on the beach???? LOL! this is great.

  3. Looks like you had the best time!! I love the sand sculptures, you guys rock! Also love Henry's skeleton outfit. One of the halloween outfits we bought for Oscar is just like it!
