
Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello There

Hello everyone who is visiting for the first time from ICLW! I have taken a little break from ICLW, but decided last month that I missed it and so I AM BACK!

Here is my little family.
Thanksgiving 2011

We are the type of people that see a robot sweater hanging in the kids department and think, "YESSSSSSSS". (we are nerds)

As for our TTC story, you can read about that in detail here. The basic outline is that I have stage four endo diagnosed in late 2004. We were lucky enough to have our little miracle, Henry, in May of 2009 after a successful IVF. We got back into the game in early 2011 for baby #2 but after two failed FET's we are now officially out of the game for good and living as a family of three.

If you are interested in other things about me (non-TTC related) .... well, here are 100 things that are sorta interesting. I talk about parenting, family, what I am reading ... I talk a lot about nothing at all. Welcome to the mess of Bio Girl!

PS. We are also the kind of people that think this makes for a great family picture.
Thanksgiving 2011
further proof of nerdiness. What else could you want in a blog?


  1. well..great to see you back:) And you have one very very lucky boy!!! He will have the greatest life!! He is the star!!! I am having a boy..and I may be int he same position you may be in..with only one option for fet when I do choose to try again. But if it does not work..I will be content with my little boy as well. I have a niece that I get to spoil...I just bought her a tuttu:)

  2. Lovely family pic! I am glad you conquered endo and had at least one kid! I also had endo but only stage 2. Got pregnant after a lap. I really hope you do get that mircle baby no 2!

  3. I love your family picture! what a cuties pie you have on your hands. May you enjoy the blessings of this thanksgiving time as a family x

    ICLW #10

  4. Here for ICLW!

    I have to say the sweater is adorable!

  5. Just found your blog from ICLW. Your family picture is adorable! Love it. Sounds like you have found peace with your family of three. What a great way to be! (didn't mean for that to rhyme!)

  6. What a beautiful family! Glad you have found peace about being a family of 3. I am wondering when/if we hit that point if I can find peace also.

    Happy ICLW #16

  7. Hi! Visiting from ICLW! That is a great family picture! :-) I have stage 3 endo and am hoping we'll have our miracle baby soon! I hope the same for you!

  8. Great family pic! Throw some antlers on and you've got a Christmas card.

    And we'd also be all over a robot sweater!

  9. love your family photo!!! and i saw your t shirt with your blog title on it.... soooo fun! who designed your blog.. it's super cute!
    happy thanksgiving!

  10. Hello, I am visiting through ICLW and a fellow endometriosis sufferer/survivor. So glad your first IVF yielded such beautiful results and looking forward to following your journey.

  11. Hello, I am visiting through ICLW and a fellow endometriosis sufferer/survivor. So glad your first IVF yielded such beautiful results and looking forward to following your journey.

  12. Hi there, here from ICLW from a fellow geekette (we got married on 10-10-10 because of the cool binary number and the "meaning" behind it ;-) I really love your family pic, you guys look so happy! And I'm happy for you that you got your miracle boy - and sad for you that you had to give up trying for miracle #2.

  13. You do make beautiful pictures! What a lovely family!

  14. Cute familyyyy!!!

    I'm here from ICLW but I love your blog!

  15. I think that's a great family pic too! Happy end of ICLW!

  16. LOL I love that last family Picture!!!

    It is something we would do!!

    happy ICLW
