
Monday, November 14, 2011

My Next Movie Obsession

Well Harry Potter is over (it actually still makes me sad to say that), and as far as I know they aren't making the Outlander Series into a movie anytime soon. But still, I have something to be very exciting to look forward to seeing on the big screen:

The Hunger Games. Good lord, it looks so awesome, right?? I have been worrying about the movie since they cast the three main characters (I think they all look too old) but after seeing this... You all, I CANNOT WAIT.

I am giddy. March 23rd, you are on my calendar as a "BIG BIG Day!".

**What? two posts in one day?? I know, right? I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this, but then decided that you all NEEDED to see the preview tonight. You. Are. Welcome.


  1. i can't wait!!! i LOVED the books and have been so excited since i first heard they were making the movie. i think i'm going to have to reread the series before it comes out.

  2. My sister and I already have a "Sister Date" planned!! Now my hubby is reading them too so he wants to go! LOVE the Hunger Games, and loved the new movie trailer. I'm just having a hard time picturing Woody Harrelson as Haymitch.

  3. That looks pretty cool! I will go see that with you guys :)

  4. I am so excited too! I'm also obsessed with Twilight books/movies. So, I can't wait for Friday night to see Breaking Dawn!
