
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Other Pictures

So the shower pictures... you must wait. I went to load them at 11:30 last night and realized that red eye had totally taken over in nearly every picture. I didn't have time to edit, so... tomorrow! I promise! (fingers crossed. Just in case)

For today I want to show you what my brother in law and his girlfriend got me for my birthday.

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Ahhhh hahaha! I do actually have it on at work right now. (Of course I do.) How awesome is it? Chris hacked into my blog code to get the image. I am thinking I could take him for all he's got.

We actually were all together on Sunday to celebrate mine and my Mother in laws birthdays. Here is a grainy sorta wonderful picture of Henry piling around with said brother-in-law and family.
And here is Henry with his Neena and Nicole putting candles on the birthday cakes. Adorable.

It was a really good day. I am a lucky girl. 

*Bio Girl shirts on sale now.

*Not really.

*Unless someone besides me actually wants one.

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