
Thursday, November 17, 2011

A SURPRISE Baby Shower! (Take Two)

Did you possibly already see a baby shower post? A sorta rambling one, full of plot holes and spelling errors containing a total of three pictures? Oops. Meant to hit "save", accidentally hit "publish". My bad. And now google reader will NEVER let me forget it! So lets start again, shall we?

The second Sunday of every month our group of girlfriends meet up for brunch at our sweet friend Charing's house.  We call it "Second Sunday Brunch Bunch".  Because we are adorable (annoying) like that.  It's really just a time we have set aside once a month to make sure we see each other in our crazy busy lives.  We used to go OUT once a month. Dinner, movies, dancing, drinking... you know, OUT. But then we all got busy and got poor and it just stopped happening.  But we all love each other and we missed that time, so Charing stepped up and said "BRUNCH!!"  And the Second Sunday Brunch Bunch for the ZPO's was established.  We love it.
IBoo's Baby Shower
The ZPO's were so excited to celebrate our soon to be newest member!

  It was at our November Brunch that we held the ever shocking SURPRISE BABY SHOWER for Boo.  So she literally had no idea, even as we pulled up and there were cars everywhere.  Even as we walked in and heard laughing and talking in the other room.  Even, alarmingly, as she walked past balloons and onsies hung up on a string.
Boo's Baby Shower
She was THAT clueless. She basically looked like this:

Boo's Baby Shower
 When she walked in and saw not only the ZPO but also several of her close school friends there to celebrate our sweet new baby.
  Boo's Baby Shower
Here are Boo and Cici with her school friends who were able to join us!

It was such a wonderful surprise and I am so glad Charing thought to host it, and to keep it secret.
Boo's Baby Shower
Here is Boo with Charing and Morgan, the perfect Hosts.
Boo's Baby Shower

Charing had the cutest shower activity for us! She had everyone make the sweet baby girl a onsie to wear.
They all came out so cute!

Boo's Baby Shower

Boo made her one that said "I love my Big Sister." Aw.
Boo's Baby Shower
There were great presents, like this owl hat that Missy and I ordered from Etsy. How cute is that?? The new girl got so so much great stuff!
Boo's Baby Shower
Cici got some presents too. She is VERY excited about her new sister. Actually, she has no idea what is happening, but she is IN LOVE with HER second bedroom and all HER new stuff :)

Boo's Baby Shower
The food was awesome. As always at Charing's house!
Boo's Baby Shower
The time together was even better.
Boo's Baby Shower
We had such a great time celebrating our new girl. Now we just can't wait to meet her!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I did think the first post wasn't like your usual ones and I was quite sad there were only the 3 pics so I'm glad to see this update :)

    Also, how cool is the t-shirt you mentioned in your last post?! What a great present :)
