
Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Party!

This weekend we had our annual Friend Christmas party.  While going back and pulling up the archives for our partiess of years past I realized that I ALWAYS seem to title the post "Christmas Party!".  Who am I to break tradition.

So Friend Christmas has become one of my favorite nights of the year.  It isn't that it is a huge deal, it's just that it's a tradition.  And I am a fan of all things tradition!  I remember hosting Friend Christmas (with many of these same people in attendance) back in 1999 when I was a sophomore in college.  I have been blogging about it since 2005.  Here is an archive of Friend Christmas blog posts: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 , 2009 and 2010 ! That's a lot of Friend Christmas.

So this year we returned to Boo and Chris' house for our annual Christmas Party.  The entire event felt rather up in the air right up until it's start time because we had no idea if Boo and Chris would have to drop everything and head to meet Baby Girl.  Alas, the child is stubbornly staying where she is, so the party went as planned at their house. 
Friend Christmas 2011
Our hosts were happy to be there, but also REALLY want this sweet girl to be born!
Friend Christmas 2011
Boo had all the pictures of the girls from years past on the fridge, and we realized we forgot to take one last year.  We made sure to get the girl group shot early this year!
Friend Christmas 2011
The guys also wanted a group shot.  Or...the girls decided they did.  Still, aren't they handsome?
Friend Christmas 2011
This seems to be the only action shot I got, and I took no pictures of food or what have you, but trust me when I say we had so much fun.  (and we ate an insane volume of food). The gift exchange game was played, we broke out the white board for our annual boys vs girls Christmas Pictionary, the white board later turned into target practice for the Nerf gun Missy won at the gift exchange.  It. Was. Awesome. 
Friend Christmas 2011
Now to random shots of people at the party (that MAYBE only people at the party will care about, but whatever)  Here are me and Nicholas.  Enjoying the holiday festivities.
Friend Christmas 2011
Sisters.  Love.
Friend Christmas 2011
Missy and George looking adorable
Friend Christmas 2011
Me and Andy.  I kinda love this picture of us.  All these years of friendship and I think it might be the first picture ever of me and Andy.
Friend Christmas 2011
I actually made it my mission to mix up the pictures this year and get people photographed together who aren't usually in pics together. I feel it was a success.
Friend Christmas 2011
Brother and Sister.  Also love.
Friend Christmas 2011
The Kelsey Clan.  Now that Morgan is officially 18 she has graduated from ZPO junior member and is just 100% ZPO.  we need to plan an initiation.
Friend Christmas 2011
Ryan and Arielle. This is not an unusual combination, since they are married.
Friend Christmas 2011
As are these two, Rhi and Chris.  Maybe I didn't do as good with my picture mash ups as I thought...
Friend Christmas 2011
Oh well.  The pictures are nice, but the memories are better.  I love our little group of friends.  And I love celebrating the holidays together.  Yay for Friend Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. Love how much you love your friends, but love Missy's hair more! It is such a positive sign and the curls look so good on her.
