
Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Can't Even Think of a Title

I feel like I should post, but am lacking in subjects to talk about.  Or rather, my mind is just consumed with thoughts of Christmas and gifts, wrapping and finishing up work for the year... Oh, and the fact that BABY GIRL WILL BE BORN ANY MINUTE!   And between all that thinking I can't seem to string together one solid thought for blogging. Not even a title. But I am here.  All is well.  We are waiting. 

The birth mom is 40 weeks tomorrow.  She went to the doctor yesterday and found out that Baby Girl has flipped back around and is now breech.  For some reason they did not schedule her for a C-section , but instead just told her to come back in to the office tomorrow.  We are hoping for some kind of a plan then.

In other sister related news, Missy is up at the NIH for her 8 week scan to see how things are looking.  All prayers and good thoughts are very appreciated for both of my sisters over the next 48 hours. Prayers for good MRI's and for a safe delivery of Baby Girl ASAP.  If she is born this weekend Boo and Chris might still have a chance of being home for Christmas. Otherwise they will most likely be in a hotel celebrating with their new baby several hours away. 

So that's about it I guess.  Not much of a post.  I guess I can leave you with a picture at least...
Someone is REALLY ready to meet her baby sister!

1 comment:

  1. Come on baby girl!!! Thinking of you & your entire family today **hugs**
