Henry says: Hello...

Mama says: Are you ready for your cousin to be born? It will be Any day now!

Henry says: I find it hilarious that you think you know ANYTHING about when Baby Girl is going to be born!
Mama says: No no, REALLY! ANY. DAY. NOW!

Henry says: Ahhh hahahaha!! You... with your.... oh I can't breath. You are funny Mama, thinking you know stuff. You have been saying this for a MONTH! I no longer believe you.
Mama: Henry! Stop laughing at me! I DO KNOW! They are inducing her on MONDAY! SO there! I told you I know stuff. Don't mock your mother.

Henry says: Wait, Monday? Baby girl will be born on Monday??
Mama says: That's Right! Aren't you so excited? Cici will have a new little sister!

Henry says: Gotta go Mama. Need to hide all my toys.
**As long as the birth mom doesn't go into labor on her own this weekend, Baby girl officially has an eviction date of December 26th. What a wonderful late Christmas present. We are SO excited.
YAY! How exciting! Both my niece and my friend's little girl were born on Boxing Day! Here's hoping the induction goes well xx