Mama Says: "Henry, did you know something exciting is happening today??"
Henry says: " I didn't until you put me in the get up. But now I have a feeling that it has to do with football..."

Mama Says: That's right baby! The Bengals made the playoffs! Can you believe it?
Henry says: Clearly YOU can't believe it since you never even got around to buying me Bengals clothes in my own size. And you have me in a Houshmandzadeh jersey?? Come on Mama... give me Green, or Dalton at least! Housh hasn't been a Bengal in YEARS!

Mama says: I know baby, I MEANT to get you something... but this was suppose to be a rebuilding year! And...well...I kept forgetting. Besides, Houshmandzadeh is awesome.
Henry says: He's okay. I mean, he is no Ocho Cinco. That man knew how to do a Touchdown dance.
Sorta like me.

Henry says: But seriously Mama, are you ready for some football?
Mama says: Oh yes baby. I am ready for some football! GO BENGALS!
Who Dey!! And I think a playoff game means you guys can invest in a new jersey ;)