
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bloggers for Hope

I am so excited to tell you all about a very special project I am working on with Chance to Hope, a non-profit organization for infertility awareness and financial support.  The founders of CTH contacted me in the end of 2011 and asked if I would be interested in joining a team of infertility bloggers for their new project, Bloggers for Hope.  The basic premise of the project is to provide a location where women and families can come to read first hand accounts of other couples who have experienced the infertility struggles they now find themselves going through.  The site will focus on all forms of infertility and it's causes, having writers from each main catagory of infertility blogging on a regular basis.

I am very proud say that I will be the blogger discussing endometriosis on Bloggers for Hope, and I could not be more honored to be a part of such an amazing group of people.  They are passionate about getting information out about infertility as well as providing financial grants to families who are wanting to build their family but need medical assistance.  Today my first post is up, which tells our entire back story of my diagnosis with endometriosis and how that led to my infertility.  Please take the time to click over and read it if you are interested. 

As I wrote it I realized that I had never put the entire story down in one place before.  As much as I blog, I had never just done my history.  That is what Bloggers for Hope is about.  If someone newly diagnosed with endometriosis were to google bloggers with endo, they would find me.  But what they would see would be what you see every day.  My life.  This blog will allow people to find exactly what they are looking for.  A personal story, support, and a community.  It is an amazing project and I am lucky to be involved.  Please take the time to click over and support them (us) by reading.


  1. I loved your post. And as someone with endometriosis I am looking forward to what you have to say!

    So glad to have you on the B4H team! xo

  2. I'm so excited you get to be a part of this project! You are such a great writer and your story will be an inspiration and provide support to so many others. I'm so proud of you! What a wonder mother you are and how you are able to turn something so difficult into something positive. You're amazing!!

  3. What a fantastic project to be part of!

    My Endo journey is so different to yours in so many ways, like I had painful and irregular periods from the moment they started in my early teens, but when I was finally diagnosed at 21 and then at my second laparoscopy I only had stage 3 and no cysts and as you know it didn't affect my fertility. And yet despite the differences, Endo still brings us together because for all the differences, the way Endo affects us as women can be so similar, isn't it such a confusing condition?

    I look forward to reading more of your posts on Bloggers for Hope xx

  4. That is really cool. What a great cause.
