
Monday, January 30, 2012

Resolution Check Number One

**Did you see at the end of the last post I mentioned that Missy's appointment went great and that her tumor is much smaller that it was six weeks ago? We are so thankful for this answered prayer. I know many of you were among those praying so I wanted to make sure you all knew the wonderful report. 

**Also, thank you for all your sweet anniversary comments. They made me happy :)

So I don't know if you remember, but one of my New Year's Resolutions was to take Henry interesting places. Thanks to Boo and Chris, the first interesting place of 2012 has been visited! On Saturday we packed up the three babies and headed to our cities Children's Museum. You all, it was so great. And Henry and Cici had a blast. Nora... well, she took an awesome nap in the Moby, so it was a win, win, win for the three babies.

Childrens Museum 2012
Henry was very excited to be going to the Children's Museum. I mean, he had no idea what it was, but this is the kid that was PUMPED when I asked if he wanted to go to the doctor last week. It has to be better than that, right?
Childrens Museum 2012
They are big on horses around here.
Childrens Museum 2012
Really big.
Childrens Museum 2012
Baby Nora, relaxing to the max.
Childrens Museum 2012
Mama feels certain that there was at least one if not several pieces missing to this child's puzzle. It is the ONLY OPTION... definitely not that I just couldn't do it. No sir.
Childrens Museum 2012
The newest family of four enjoying some water works
Childrens Museum 2012
It's like, artistic or something.
Childrens Museum 2012
I would think this would be terrifying to kids, but turns out being in a giant mouth is sorta awesome. "TEEEETH!"
Childrens Museum 2012
Something about this makes my hands sweat...
Childrens Museum 2012
Childrens Museum 2012
I guess Henry is now too tall to stand in a chair in front of me, although come to think of it, he does an excellent job of blocking double chins. Also, we need to work on the "CHEEEESE!!" thing. He just looks at you like you are a fool. "Seriously Aunt Boo...I am not falling for that cheese thing one more time."
Childrens Museum 2012
I claim this planet in the name of Henryville...
Childrens Museum 2012
"Cici, this is SO. AWESOME"
Childrens Museum 2012
"Henry, Bubble tubes are good, but this could hypothetically make you spin until you throw up. COOLEST TOY EVER!"
Childrens Museum 2012
"Sorry Cici... I can see nothing but the Bubble Room and all it's bubble glory."

Sometimes I feel like posts like this just stop abruptly when I run out of pictures. This is one of those times.



  1. Looks like the kids had a blast! Oh...get him to say "Daddy" when taking pics! They can't say it without smiling. :)

    1. What a great idea! I lot of times we sing songs, but put in the wrong words. That ususally gets him :)

  2. Family adventures are s much fun and create such wonderful memories: Henry is such a lucky boy to have you as a mom.
    Maybe you can take him on an adventure to PEI to visit Anne of Green Gables. I can set you up with a great
    resident tour guide!

    1. Oh my goodness, one of these days we really will do that! I would LOVE to see PEI. You know my love of Anne with an E :)
