
Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Weird Sisters-A BlogHer Book Club Review

This post is a book review for the BlogHer Book Club.  It is a paid review, but as always my thoughts and feelings are my own. 

The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown is most likely my favorite book I have read for BlogHer Book Club so far (it could possibly be tied with A Discovery of Witches, which I have now read twice and am anxiously awaiting the sequel).  This is actually the exact type of book I was hoping to find when I signed up for the book club.  It is an easy read and extremely enjoyable from start to finish.

The basic story is about three sisters, Rosalind (Rose), Bianca (Bean) and Cordelia (Cordy) whose father is a Shakespearean professor at a small college in Ohio.  The story weaves in and out of the three sisters lives and tells you how they each end up returning to their childhood home, each a little broken and lost, to care for this sick mother.  The narrators voice through out the story is a universal voice of the three sisters combine, commonly speaking for the joint prospective of the two sisters not at the center of the current chapter.  The father speaks mostly in Shakespearean quotes.  It is wonderfully written. The story is simple, and maybe it spoke to me because of the core family, two parents and three daughters,  is just like my own.  Although there were few similarities to my family beyond that point. My sisters and I have always been extremely close, and these three are not.  And yet their sisterly love comes through in every single page of this story.  They are so devoted to each other and to their parents, even if they swear they don't much care for one another. 

The story is about family, and the ties that bind. It is sweet and sad and just wonderful. I highly recommend it.  It doesn't disappoint.

We will be discussing The Weird Sisters over at BlogHer for the next several weeks.  Come join in the conversation!