
Monday, March 5, 2012

A lot of Wind, a Little (Followed by a Lot) of Snow

Friday night we found ourselves all huddled together in my sister's inlaw's basement as the tornado sirens went off around us. Our area was given a 100% chance of having a tornado. School released early, the University where I worked closed. It was intense. Amazingly enough, our city managed to avoid any serious damage. But as I listen to them talk about Henryville on the news, it reminds me of how close it came, and how dangerous and out of our control something like natural disasters truly are.
We did manage to have at least a little fun playing with my dad's ipad while we waited out the storm. The Photobooth app... get it. You will enjoy it.

Sunday morning we woke up to a down pour of snow. Seriously, it looked like a white-out through our window. I quickly bundled up Henry and ran outside, only to have the snow completely stop. Like completely. Right as we stepped off the porch.

We ran back in, stripped off our coats and shoes, only to have the down pour start again. Shoes and coats back on, and back out we ran! It once again slowed way down, and there was no snow on the ground. Still, Henry kept saying "HENRY CATCH SNOW!! HENRY EAT IT!!" Our tiny little burst of snow brought some much needed laughs to a hard week. God, I love this boy.
Winter 2012
Someone has a deep love for snow, even when it is only measured in millimeters.
Winter 2012
"Henry EAT DA SNOW!"
Winter 2012
Who says you need inches of snow to make it fun. One good burst falling from the sky made our weekend brighter.

This morning We actually woke up to a solid 5 inches of snow on the ground. Now THIS will be fun.
My back yard at 6:30 Monday morning.  I don't know why it looks Blue.  Maybe because the entire state of Kentucky turns Blue for the month of March...


  1. Last line - cracked me up!!!! It has been quite a week, weather-wise, around here. And then supposedly we're headed for the upper 50's tomorrow...

  2. Glad your safe!! Yes all of KY turns blue in March!! :)

  3. Hi!
    I just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and well! Thanks so much for checking up on me. I read your blog every post. I just don't comment often...see my new post as to why.

    I just wanted to say thanks for checking on me and Henry is so darn cute!! Hope to be back for good really soon!

  4. So glad Henryville was okay after the storms. I cheered for the UK women's basketball team on Saturday. We went to the SEC tournament. Too bad they didn't make it to the finals.

    Glad you enjoyed the snow!
