
Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I went to my pre-op appointment for my surgery yesterday.  All is well and we are officially good to go for endo removal.  My surgery isn't until 1:30 in the afternoon on Thursday and they said to plan on being at the surgery center for six to eight hours.  Oh, and I can't eat after 4am.  So.... if you do the math, most likely I will go to bed on Wednesday night, and not eat a thing until 7pm on Thursday.  Now that will be crash dieting.

Speaking of dieting, when I weighed in at the doctor my nurse was like, "Um... are you TRYING to lose weight? If not, we might have something else going on. You are down 14 pounds from last August!".  I was extremely pleased.

The basic appointment went fine.  They are a little worried they could have to remove the ovary, which would be sad.  I like my ovary.  We have been together a long time. Still, I told him to do whatever he needs to do.  If my little ovary cannot be saved, just go ahead and put her out of her misery.

We also talked about the Mirena IUD.  I told him to put it in if both of my tubes are blocked.  Otherwise I thought I might wait a couple of months, just in case of miraculous conception against all infertile odds.  After I got home and mentioned it to Nick it was clear he would rather me go ahead and have it put in.  That treating my endometriosis should be a priority.  That we tried to "see what happens" and what happens is giant cysts and terrible pain.  After my last surgery in 2007 we also tried on our own and nothing happened then but pain then either.

So.... I think I am going to tell him no matter what he finds, just put in the IUD.  He says it's a great treatment for endo.  At this point I am ready to embrace the family I have been given, move on from the dream of another pregnancy and try to be as healthy as possible. If we ever decide we REALLY want another baby, I can have the IUD removed and we can go back into treatments.  But we all know that at this point, my body isn't just going to get pregnant on it's own.



  1. You really are an amazing person! I have followed your story since you were pregnant with Henry and never cease to be amazed with your journey. You are a strong spirit! Hang in there and keep on keeping on, Warrior!

    (And I know you are not looking for praise from strangers but I just had to share today!)

    1. Actually I must admit that I enjoy praise from strangers :) Thank you for your sweet comment and for following along with our story.

  2. Sending you so much love. How amazing is food going to be on Thursday night? :) Lots of luck and prayers for you!

    1. I have seriously spent about half my day trying to decide what I want to eat for my first post surgery meal. I gotta have something to look forward to!

  3. Sending lots of positive vibes!

  4. Oh my, that is a long time to go without food! I had my ER on Saturday and couldn't eat past midnight on Friday (I was in bed by 10 anyway so the last time I ate was like 8) and I was starved in the morning. The saltine crackers they gave me after I woke up from the ER tasted SO AMAZING! I imagine whatever you eat first will taste so good.

    Good luck on this surgery and I wish you the best. I enjoy reading your journey. Hugs!

  5. I am sending lots of healing vibes ahead of time. Hoping this surgery gets you a pain free life for quite a while!

    I'll be thinking of you and saying prayers for you!

  6. Hey sweetie, I am late in getting onto the blog to comment, but I thought of you tons yesterday! I do hope everything went well? Did you have the Mirena in the end? When I first had one I was symptom-free for 2 years!! The Endo came back, but even with the symptoms I got, I really appreciated not having to deal with heavy bleeding (after the first 3 months!) I know some people who love it and some who hate it, so I hope if you had it that you're one who will love it xx
