
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I have a million Easter pictures to show you.  No really, A MILLION.  But I haven't had a second to get them loaded to the computer, so you must wait just a little while longer. For today I wanted to tell you about something completely non-Easter related.  I received my acceptance letter to the Masters of Public Health program! 

You guys, I am seriously excited.  I applied to be apart of the Health Behavior program, focusing on Women's Health and infertility.  My letter came with this packet that said they are a top 25 school of public health in the nation.  Not too shabby!  And after talking with people in the program and with the difficulty of the application process, I realized it was not a given that I would get accepted.  Actually when I emailed a question after my acceptance letter came, the director was like "Oh, I didn't realize you worked here."  Which made me feel like my employee status had nothing to do with me getting in.  And that is a nice feeling.

So anyway, I am now OFFICIALLY a MPH student.  I am hoping to take a class in the summer and then MAYBE even two in the fall.  Things are getting crazy around here.  But for now, I am really proud of what I have accomplished.  It feels good to be working towards something I care about. 

As a random add on, I am in the running for a blogger book reviewing award.  If you have a goodreads account and would like to vote for me, I would appreciate it!

Independent Book Blogger Awards
Vote for this blog for the Independent Book Blogger Awards!