
Friday, April 20, 2012

A Disney (on ICE!) Tale: The Toy Story Edition

Have I ever mentioned how sometimes I get a touch disgruntled over the way so many things see to be for little girls? Like all kids clothing stores? There are two racks of boy clothes, all which look exactly the same, and then the REST OF THE STORE are adorable girl clothes.  And I am sure there is a reason for this. Like, there just aren't that many ways to make boy clothes, or maybe that studies have shown that mothers of boys don't buy anything but jeans and t-shirts NO MATTER WHAT.  But it annoys me.

Another item on the list of  "it's not far, I want to do cool stuff with my BOY" is the Princess Disney on Ice shows.  I keep reading blog post after blog post with adorable pictures of their daughters in princess outfits going to the show. And every time I am like "WELL.. it must be NICE to have entire ice shows make for your little girl!"  Until recently.  When Boo sent me a picture of an add in our local magazine.  And it was for.... TOY STORY ON ICE!

Toy Story on Ice
Oh yes, we dressed them up. OF COURSE WE DID. We actually had a Buzz outfit for Henry (thanks Charing!), but he WAS NOT A FAN. So we pulled this out of the closet to he could be a cowboy just like Woody. He was happy!
 Toy Story on Ice
 Getting ready for the show to start!
Toy Story on Ice
As soon as we sat down, before the music even started,  Henry took on the look you see here. He proclaimed the entire thing to be "TOO LOUD!" and watched the entire first half with his ears covered. Which... you know, wasn't the reaction I was going for.  But still, he never cried or asked to go home, which... is good?  right?
 Toy Story on Ice
Sometimes he would allow others to take over the ear covering responsibilities for him.  You can't see it in the picture, but he was actually enoying himself by this point. Pointing to the characters and just starting to dance a little. As you can see in the back ground, Cici had NO PROBLEM with the noise.
 Toy Story on Ice
She was REALLY in to it. Clapping, yelling, jumping up and down. She loved every single second. Right up until the second half when she was like "Whatever... I am DONE" so they headed for home. Still, it was totally worth it for our girl to be there!  She made it over an hour into the show and enjoyed every second.
 Toy Story on Ice
As for the show itself, I found it highly entertaining. Especially all the toys that required two people. Just think of spending your entire life training to be an ice skater and you finally land a role and it's as Slink's butt. THE BIG TIME HAS ARRIVED.
 Toy Story on Ice
Around the time Cici got antsy, Henry got comfortable. he took his hands off his ears, he clapped, he danced, He had a blast. He was still a little nervous, but it was clear he was really enjoying himself.
Toy Story on Ice
After the show was over we asked him if he had a good time. "YEAH!!!!" he told us. So the entire group agreed.  Toy Story on Ice, a total hit!

 Now, if I could just get the "Barbie World" song out of my head, I would really be thrilled with the entire experience...

1 comment:

  1. wow very cute. i love toy story i have visited there and me and my family enjoyed alot..
    Cute pics above
