
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Good Day to Live in Kentucky

I don't know if you heard....
Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images

But something sorta amazing happened last night for my little state. UK Gr8ness
photo from twitter account @BeisnerKSR 

 Our boys won their 8th National Championship.
UK Gr8ness
Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images 

And it's sorta hard to explain to someone not from around here what a big deal this is to us... uk5
photo by KSR College 

But this is what it looked like a mile from my house last night at midnight.  Thousands of people flocking into the streets to celebrate the win.

 Not to say we were there... we are old and have a baby. But we found ways to celebrate.
 Things. Got. Crazy.

Great job fellas. Thanks for the win. It feels good to be champions again.


  1. As you know, my hubs is a huge UK fan. He's still on cloud 9 this morning. Go Big Blue! Thanks for winning one for the SEC.

    <3 a Gator fan :)
