
Friday, April 13, 2012

Our Sweet Nora

Yesterday I got a comment on the Easter post where someone asked the question I have been figuring several of you have been thinking for weeks now.  Where is Sweet Nora?  I talked with Boo last night and said it was okay for me to share the answer with you all.

Sometimes things are so utterly heartbreaking that they are impossible to talk about.  For the last several weeks our family has been dealing with one of those heart breaks.  Our sweet Nora is no longer with us.  She has gone home to be with her birth mother. 
She was with us, completely a part of our family, for ten weeks.  And the hurt that comes with this loss is not something I will talk about much on here after today.
Not because it isn't worth talking about, but really because it is too personal. Too raw, and completely my sister's story.
We do know that this is the birth mother's right to take her home. She has her reasons which are personal and very complicated. But this loss, oh how it hurts our hearts.
It is hard to believe that things will ever feel okay. But they will. She will be loved by her birth mother. By her mother. And my sister will survive this. We all will. Somehow.
But for today, for these last several weeks, for the next few months, we feel crushed by this loss.
She will be loved, she will be safe. But oh how she was loved here. How she still is.
How she always, always will be.

My sister will not be pursuing another adoption.  She is done and is very thankful for Cici.  Thank you all for your support and love of our family.  


  1. sending love to your sister & fam. It's a hard stance to take, but oh so the right one.


  2. Oh hun, just read your blog! Thinking of you all. Please tell your sister I am thinking of her & sending lots of **hugs**


  3. <3 My heart aches for you all


  4. I'm so sorry for your family. Sending supportive love and hugs.


  5. thinking of you and your family. Huge hugs.


  6. Oh, how heartbreaking. I'm thinking of you and your family during this time.


  7. Just a note if you are reading comments, these anonymous comments with the names below them are posts from Twitter. I never usually post them here, but wanted Boo to be able to go back and read all the kind words people had to say whenever she was ready.

    Thank you all for the support. It means so much to us.


  8. Dear Sarah, my heart breaks for your sister. I can only imagine what she's going through.

    PS very cute pics of all three of them - I just love the two in cahoots cousins :)

  9. I'm sorry! Like you said, this too shall pass, in time. I'm sure Nora knows how special she is to your family.

  10. Praying for your Sister, Your Family, and Sweet Nora's Family. Love and hugs to everyone.

  11. heartbreaking. Much love for your family.


  12. so much love to your family as you Go through this loss.


  13. I am so sorry. Sending you and your family lots of love


  14. So sorry for your family. Wishing all healing and peace.


  15. so sorry to hear about, hoping your family can find peace <3


  16. i can't imagine how difficult this must be. isn't there a statute of limitations that prevents that?

    1. There is and for an older adoption, like Cici, the birth mother's rights would have already been terminated because her adoption is finalized. With Nora we were still in the window where the birth mom had the right to change her mind. As much as it breaks our hearts, we completely respect and support that right.

    2. tough situation! you have to support the mom's rights, but it doesn't make the loss easier. I'm so sorry.

  17. Oh wow. I'm so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with your sister and your entire family. <3

  18. My heart is broken for your family. Sending lots of love and peace. XO

  19. I cannot imagine the heartbreak. So very sorry. Thank you for sharing. Your family is in my thoughts.


  20. Oh Sarah I am so very sorry to hear about this.

    Please know that you, Boo and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sending you all tons of love.


  21. Oh how my heart hurts for your sister and your family! :( Plese know we are keeping you all in our prayers!!

  22. My heart is broken for your family! Much love to all of you. The love you all gave Nora will give her whole life a strong foundation and you will always be a part of her! Annie

  23. so sorry!! praying for your family. i can't IMAGINE the heartbreak you all are going through. I know you all were so excited to have sweet Nora.

  24. So sorry for all of you.

    Nurse Bee

  25. Oh wow...tough stuff. I can't imagine how your family is dealing with it. I'm so sorry for all of you. How hard that must be for the kiddos to understand, too. :(

  26. Oh my heart just breaks for her and sweet little Cici who was the best big sister. Praying for her and your family. Jenn is such a strong woman! What a journey she has gone on.

  27. You are a wonderful sister...Boo is blessed in so many ways. Hugs to all of you. It's so hard to believe that "all things have purpose" the hurt is blinding...Love you guys.

  28. my heart for all you. sending love.

  29. Oh no :(. I am so so so sorry for this loss your entire family is experiencing. What a difficult and different set of emotions to navigate. She's not gone, and yet she is. I am so very sorry. Thinking of you all.

  30. Sarah, Jen and family,
    I'm so sorry for the heartache you all have gone through. Someday, Henry and Cici will be able to look back at this blog and see how they were both so loved and so very much wanted. And Nora and Avery might someday stumble upon this blog to see how they are loved by so many. My heart breaks for you all.

  31. Oh, what a difficult situation for everyone involved. I am so sorry for your sister's loss. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been to say goodbye.

  32. I'm so sad to read this. I am very sorry for your families loss.

  33. The grace with which you are showing support for the birth mother speaks volumes about who you are and what you stand for.
    Sending love and prayers to all involved.
    Lori in PEI

  34. Sorry for this late reply... I am truly heartbroken for your sister, her husband and the rest of your family. Having a baby myself who just turned 13 weeks I can only begin to imagine how impossibly hard it must be to let go of that precious girl after 11 weeks. So much happens in those first few weeks of life. So much love. I hope Nora will have a good and loving life with her birth mom. (((hugs)))

  35. I just wanted to say (very belatedly) how truly sorry I am. I am thinking of you all, especially Boo, and sending all my love as always x
